Automate Actions and Troubleshoot Website Quickly Using Invoke URL Action

Have you ever wondered "Wouldn't it be great to automate certain actions when my website slows down or goes down?" We at Site24x7 have come up with an ingenious solution and we are sure you will like it.

Let’s say you have an online e-commerce store where customers can buy products online. However, during peak business hours your website might not be responding all too well or it might slow down completely due to too many connection requests. In such cases, the only option you might have is to restart some key web services to bring them back online. 

While this is an important task to execute, it is a manual task and one that might take you away from other important tasks. In order to execute this action, you need to be connected to your dedicated server. This action might take a couple of minutes to restart the services. In the online world, these precious few minutes will translate into loss in revenue, traffic and consumer satisfaction.

Invoke URL Action - Automation Simplified

Now, if you have configured Site24x7 to monitor and alert you during downtime, you can simply restart your web services without having to physically intervene in the process.

Invoke URL Action Pop-up

Invoke URL Action feature (available under 'Advanced Configuration') will enable you to easily restart your web services from a dedicated server without manually interfering. Enter the script URL which allows you to restart the web services and provide the necessary authentication. You can configure them to run when your website is down or in trouble or even when it goes up.

Now, whenever your website slows down, an action from Site24x7 is triggered automatically to run the script from the dedicated server. This negates the downtime duration considerably. You can also use this feature to execute scripts which can generate logs and email them to you for further analysis. You can use these logs to identify the performance issues and help troubleshooting them quickly.

If you haven’t checked out this feature, go ahead and give it a try. Share your comments/thoughts about this feature in our comments section.

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