Comparing search results across search engines

Author: ArunHave you tried tracking your keyword position across multiple search engines such as google, yahoo or msn? If you are one among those who go to these search engines one by one and search, you must have really found it a tiresome and repetitive process. Now here are 2 different services that can help you out. Jux2 is a search engine which claims to give you combined search results from google, yahoo and msn. When you search for any keyword, jux2 compares its position across these search engines and ranks sites accordingly. I searched for "website monitoring service" and was in the 3th position (courtesy of #7 rank on Google, #4 on Yahoo and #4 on MSN)

Combo Result Viewer from Rankquest works in a similar fashion, but has got more options and is flexible. You can either compare multiple keywords on a single search engine or compare a single keyword across multiple search engines. They also support a large number of search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, Hotbot, etc. We searched for website monitoring service keyword and found out that Site24x7 ranks #4 in Altavista and #7 in Netscape search. Handy tools to help you search better, aren't they? Saves you lot of time!!

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