Meet Next Gen Site24x7: Powerful, Agile, Cost-Effective IT Management as-a-Service

A few months back at Velocity Conference, we announced the application performance monitoring capabilities of Site24x7. This announcement was big for us because we bring expertise gained from the ManageEngine on-premise products into our SaaS solution Site24x7. In addition to this, we made GA our real browser based synthetic web application monitoring a few days back.

These updates are significant as over the years, application development and IT operations have evolved and has many possible reasons for failure. Some of them being:

Complex Application Architecture: Today's mobile and cloud apps use specialized technology components that help scale. However, these specialized components like application servers, in-memory databases, NOSQL databases, messaging systems, custom-built code, and 3rd-party services along with the use of commodity hardware, make it hard for operations and development teams to troubleshoot performance issues. There are too many potential points of failure.

While there surely are many point tools to monitor each area individually, getting all of them to work together to solve a problem is a daunting task.

DevOps Culture:~The DevOps culture has brought in the agility to push application updates much more frequently. What that means is lesser time between development, QA & product releases and you need to be faster at troubleshooting a performance problem. This in turn increases the need to have some integrated consoles to continuously troubleshoot and optimize application issues.

That said, with cloud and mobile apps, and a complex underlying infrastructure architecture, APM and infrastructure monitoring needs tend to be solved better as SaaS.

Traditional on-premise systems management tools: Traditional on-premise systems management tools offer limited visibility into cloud-based architectures, and don't adapt well to rapid agile development cycles. Furthermore, IT Operation teams don't have time today to patch, reconfigure and integrate multiple monitoring consoles, or update to the latest version.


These are some of the problems we intended to solve with a series of releases this year.

With Site24x7, now you can get IT Management-as-a-Service with unified Web transaction monitoring, datacenter & cloud infrastructures management, and deep application code visibility, together in 1-console, to make your life easier.

Our next generation Site24x7 offers now four monitoring capabilities in one solution:

1. Web Performance Monitoring, from outside the firewall, closer to your users

Due to the nature of the internet (billions of users around the globe, using a variety of Web and mobile devices to interact with your Web apps), it is critical to ensure that users can access your website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With Site24x7 monitoring services you can:

  • Simulate and test user experience from multiple Site24x7 monitoring locations, and find problems before customers are impacted
  • Validate that key business processes and critical Webpages are performing top-notch (shopping carts, search functions, or marketing lead registrations forms)
  • Report and alert on availability, content errors or performance issues at the first sign of trouble.
  • Ensure that edge devices, DNS infrastructure, and CDNs work as configured.
  • Check that rendering a web page in a browser works properly.

These are monitoring capabilities you can only get through a monitoring service deployed in multiple nodes and locations around the world, closer to your end-users.

2. Datacenter Monitoring

With Site24x7 website monitoring services, you get a performance indicator from an end user's perspective. Take it one step further - get deeper visibility into key infrastructure metrics (CPU, memory, services, disk, network usage) to ensure a reliable back-end infrastructure. Site24x7’s server monitoring lets you oversee health, availability and performance across Web servers, application servers, databases, mail servers, intranet portals, ERP systems, payroll applications, and any other resource running in your datacenter.

Site24x7's server monitoring capability utilizes small-footprint light-weight agents, to provide real time monitoring capabilities without impacting your application performance. With an install-once-and-forget-about-it philosophy, you will be able to access all the information you need in one view- Site24x7 SaaS Web/mobile console.

3. Hybrids, Public, Private Cloud Monitoring

Cloud and virtualization are key technologies for organizations seeking to improve the flexibility and scalability of the IT services delivered to end users. Unfortunately, user experience will be negatively impacted when cloud or virtual resources underperform. This is why Site24x7 gives you now complete visibility and control over your cloud infrastructures. With Site24x7 you can monitor VMware vSphere hypervisors as well as Amazon EC2 and RDS web services, and ensure they are performing at expected levels, all from the same Site24x7 SaaS central console.

Simply configure our new VMware or Amazon Web Services monitors, and start tracking performance metrics, get real-time alerts for immediate problem identification, and automatically share performance reports to ensure virtualized resources are properly allocated.

You now have complete monitoring capabilities within your datacenter and from outside the firewall, across physical and virtualized resources.

4. Deep Application Code-level Visibility

As mentioned earlier, new mobile and cloud applications have lots of specialized software components, and custom-built code. Therefore operation teams, with additional responsibility in a DevOps culture, need application code visibility to troubleshoot issues and root-cause, and pass on useful triage info to development counterparts. This is why our Site 24x7 APM Insight addition, offers deep application performance monitoring for Java, .NET and Ruby on Rails production apps, with granular code-level visibility. Site24x7 APM Insight captures end-to-end transaction traces –from URL to SQL query–, so you can detect underperforming methods, slow database calls, deadlocks or hanging threads much faster.

We are very excited with the series of releases we had this year. By combining in one view Web performance information from your users' perspective, key performance indicators across datacenter & cloud infrastructure, and deep application code visibility, life for IT Operations teams across SMBs and Enterprise organizations is about to get much easier!

See it for yourself. Sign-up for a free Site24x7 now!

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