Simple cures for everyday IT headaches

Chuck away the Alka-Selzer, roll up your sleeves and fix common IT faults~with a little

tech-savvy know-how. It’s cheaper than calling in the experts or assigning your PC to the bin.

#1 Sluggish PC performance

Time is money and a slow performing computer is a real productivity killer. It’s also the most common IT complaint. The reasons for slow computer performance can be multifarious, and may include: insufficient hard drive space, fragmented data, spyware and unnecessary programs and services. It may also result from missing software updates or outdated drivers. To find out the cause of your slow performance, try removing programs you don’t use and update software or drivers. Microsoft Fix It wizard can also help you optimize your computer system by automatically checking and resolving a raft of issues such as power saver settings and whether you’re running unnecessary programs at startup.


#2 Lockups, freezes and errors

The blue screen of death is the one thing all computer users dread.~Especially if you’ve neglected to back up your data. But before you shed~any tears or shout expletives, try rebooting and if that fails, update your hardware drivers. When a computer cannot find a driver, the CPU locks up. Lockups and freezes may also result from low disk-space or memory (RAM) so delete programs and large files you don’t use or need. If none of this works, it could be a failing hard-drive, in which case you’ll need the help of a pro.

#3 Random reboots~and switches off

A computer spontaneously rebooting or turning itself off is the human equivalent of being cut off in mid conversation. Except when you’re working, there’s often unsaved data and deadlines involved. The problem is almost always hardware related and may be as simple as a dirty or defective cooling fan or faulty power supply. To try and remedy the situation, clean the fan and check your power supply. Failure to ensure the cables are tightly connected can leave you feeling a bit silly, especially if the IT team have been hauled in.

#4 Whining, whirring and vibrations

This is usually a hardware issue. The computer is made up of thousands of parts and if a wire or other component gets unhinged it can lead to some strange whining or squealing sounds. Overheating can also lead to~whirring noises as the fan attempts to keep the computer cool by turning quickly. To try and identify the cause, remove the case and check whether a loose wire or fan is at fault. If it’s not, it’s time to call in the experts and let them identify the problem.

#5 Unusual computer changes

Computer changes you haven’t initiated is often the result of spyware. This software~often deposits itself on your machine via an email or social networking link. It can result in changes to your computer settings, different home pages and loss of Internet and other programs. Antispyware software can help you remove the unwanted spyware and stop hackers from spying or spamming you. It also helps to protect your computer from spyware, viruses, and other malicious software. For a review of the best antispyware software for 2014, see Anti-Spyware-Review.




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