Comprehensive Guide to Monitoring Apache CouchDB Databases for In-Depth Insights

Apache CouchDB is an open-source document database known for its versatility, reliability, scalability, and performance. Its proprietary replication protocol allows you to build "offline-first" applications that excel even in environments with limited network connectivity. Although primarily designed as a single-node database, CouchDB can also be deployed in a clustered configuration for more resource-intensive projects.

Like any database, CouchDB can experience performance and scalability issues if it is not properly monitored. For instance, if the database isn’t properly configured, it may not deliver the desired throughput.

In this article, we will share a comprehensive guide to monitor Apache CouchDB. We’ll explain its architecture, explore why monitoring is essential, and discuss how to monitor key performance metrics using native tools.

What is CouchDB?

CouchDB is a NoSQL database purpose-built for storing JSON documents. JSON documents do not require a predefined schema, making them easier to modify and adapt to changing data requirements. This flexibility enables developers to evolve their data models organically without the need for complicated schema migrations.

CouchDB’s replication protocol synchronizes data between two peers using the CouchDB REST API. The replication protocol uses an incremental synchronization approach, where only the changes made since the last replication are transmitted. This ensures efficient data transfer and minimizes the impact of network disruptions. Moreover, in the event of network failures, CouchDB can resume replication from where it left off.

CouchDB can also store binary data in documents. This makes it a good choice for applications that must store images, videos, or other binary files. Within the CouchDB ecosystem, binary data elements are known as attachments.

CouchDB supports map-reduce queries, which allow users to perform complex queries and aggregations on stored data. Map-reduce queries are a powerful tool for advanced data analysis, reporting, and data processing. They enable users to extract meaningful and actionable insights from raw data.

Some of the most common use cases for CouchDB include:

  • Web applications CouchDB is a good choice for web applications that deal with large amounts of data, or must scale horizontally.
  • Real-time applications CouchDB’s efficient replication protocol makes it a great fit for building real-time, collaborative applications.
  • Big data CouchDB can be used to store and analyze large amounts of schemaless data, due to its scalability and efficiency.
  • Content management systems CouchDB can be used to build content management systems because it’s flexible and offers an easy-to-use REST API.
  • Enterprise applications CouchDB is also a popular choice for enterprise applications deployed on distributed cluster infrastructures.

Why is it important to monitor CouchDB?

Here are some key reasons why it’s important to actively monitor a CouchDB deployment:

Ensure optimal performance of the database and the larger system

Monitoring CouchDB is important for maintaining consistent and smooth performance. By tracking key metrics like response times, query throughput, and resource utilization, you can proactively address performance issues before they become critical.

For example, by monitoring query execution times, you can identify slow-running queries that may hamper the overall throughput of the database. Similarly, by tracking resource utilization, you can ensure that the memory footprint of the database remains within acceptable limits.

Remove bottlenecks

Regular monitoring also makes it easier to identify potential bottlenecks. By tracking metrics like disk I/O, CPU usage, network latency, deadlocks, and table locks, you can pinpoint resource-intensive operations that may compromise performance.

For example, you may notice that UPDATE queries for a particular table are taking longer than usual. By looking at the table-level metrics, you can see that the table is repeatedly getting locked because of a few queries. To fix the problem, you optimize the queries to decrease lock contention, which speeds up the UPDATE queries.

Ensure high availability

By closely tracking metrics like replication status, resource utilization, free memory, and synchronization errors, administrators can detect and avoid failures in the core database operations. This allows them to ensure high availability and business continuity.

For example, an administrator may notice that a server is approaching 100% disk utilization. The administrator could preemptively provision more resources for the server, such as additional disk space. This would prevent the server from failing and ensure that CouchDB remains available to users.

Optimize configurations

Regular monitoring can help you gain insights into the system's usage patterns and resource utilization. Using these insights, you can fine-tune configurations for optimal performance. By tracking metrics related to memory usage and query execution plans, you can make informed decisions regarding capacity planning, caching strategies, and other performance-related aspects of CouchDB.

For example, if you notice that some database clients are experiencing connection failures during peak hours, you may consider increasing the max connections limit. Or if the database is repeatedly breaching its max memory limit, despite query optimization, you may consider increasing the max memory limit, or adding more memory to the system.

Faster troubleshooting

Monitoring CouchDB can equip you with valuable insights that can fast-track troubleshooting. By monitoring error and audit logs, and tracking metrics related to execution errors and replication failures, you can quickly contextualize and fix issues.

For example, if you notice an increase in execution errors, you can check the error logs to get more information. This will help you focus your efforts on the root cause of the problem. Or, if the database's memory is spiking and you see the number of slow queries increasing, you can surmise that some of your queries must be optimized.

Ensure security and compliance

By monitoring user access patterns, authentication logs, audit logs, and database activity, administrators can detect and respond to suspicious or unauthorized activities. This helps identify potential security breaches, ensuring data privacy, and adhering to security standards such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

For example, by analyzing audit logs, you might observe that a non-admin user has been trying to drop a table containing sensitive data. Further analysis may reveal that the user account was created by a malicious user who infiltrated the database. By disabling the user account and investigating the incident, you can protect your data from unauthorized access.

Key metrics for monitoring CouchDB performance

The CouchDB REST API exposes several endpoints to retrieve and monitor performance metrics in real time. These metrics can be divided into the following broad categories:

General metrics

These metrics allow you to gauge the overall health and performance of the database. Let’s see a few examples:

Metric Description
Authentication cache hits The total number of times the authentication cache was hit.
Authentication cache misses The total number of times the authentication cache was missed.
Open databases The total number of open databases. The value of this metric must be smaller than the max_dbs_open configuration option, which defaults to 100.
Database reads The total number of times a document was fetched from the database. Correlating this metric’s value with that of database_writes helps you determine whether your database is read-intensive or write-intensive.
Database writes The total number of times a document was changed in the database. Correlating this metric’s value with that of database_reads helps you determine whether your database is write-intensive or read-intensive.
Database purges The total number of times a database was purged.
Documents inserted The total number of documents inserted into a database.
Document writes The total number of document-write operations performed on the database.
Document purges The total number of document-purge operations performed on the database.
Open files The total number of file descriptors that CouchDB has opened.

HTTP requests and responses (include requests by type)

The CouchDB REST API exposes several metrics that allow you to track the amount, type, and nature of HTTP requests and responses generated by CouchDB. Here are a few examples:

Metric Description
COPY requests The total number of COPY requests received by the database.
DELETE requests The total number of DELETE requests received by the database.
HEAD requests The total number of HEAD requests received by the database.
POST requests The total number of POST requests received by the database.
PUT requests The total number of PUT requests received by the database.
GET requests The total number of GET requests received by the database.
200 responses The total number of 200 OK responses generated by the database.
201 responses The total number of 201 Created responses generated by the database.
202 responses The total number of 202 Accepted responses generated by the database.
301 responses The total number of 301 Moved Permanently responses generated by the database.
304 responses The total number of 304 Not Modified responses generated by the database.
400 responses The total number of 400 Bad Request responses generated by the database.
401 responses The total number of 401 Unauthorized responses generated by the database.
403 responses The total number of 403 Forbidden responses generated by the database.
404 responses The total number of 404 Not Found responses generated by the database.
405 responses The total number of 405 Method Not Allowed responses generated by the database.
409 responses The total number of 409 Conflict responses generated by the database.
412 responses The total number of 412 Precondition Failed responses generated by the database.
500 responses The total number of 5xx Internal Server Error responses generated by the database.
Requests The total number of HTTP requests received by the database.
Bulk requests The total number of bulk requests received by the database.
HTTP timeouts The total number of HTTP timeouts.
Purge requests The total number of purge requests received by the database.
Aborted requests The total number of aborted requests.
Min request time The minimum time the DB took while processing a request.
Average request time The average time the DB took while processing a request.
Max request time The maximum time the DB took while processing a request.


Metrics related to connections provide insights into the number and status of client connections. These insights allow administrators to monitor and analyze the concurrency and utilization of the database. Some examples are:

Metric Description
Total connections The total number of connections opened by this instance.
Active connections The number of currently active connections within this instance.
Stale connections The total number of stale connections. Strive to keep this value to a minimum.
Failed connections The total number of connections that failed to initiate.
Average connection latency The average latency of connections to the instance.

Active tasks

Tracking metrics related to actively running tasks allows you to identify slow-running queries, stalled tasks, and potential bottlenecks in the system. The following are some metrics to remember:

Metric Description
Task progress The current percentage progress of the task.
Task start time The timestamp at which the task was started. Comparing this metric’s value with the current timestamp can help filter slow-running tasks.
Task status The current status of the task.
Last updated time The timestamp at which the task was last updated. Comparing this metric’s value with the current timestamp can help in filtering stalled operations.
Task type The type of the task (e.g. database compaction, replication, indexer).

Erlang metrics

CouchDB is written in Erlang, and runs inside the Erlang VM, the runtime environment for the Erlang language. Monitoring metrics related to the Erlang VM is crucial to ensure optimal performance and high availability of the CouchDB instance. Keep a close eye on the following Erlang metrics:

Metric Description
Erlang VM memory usage The total amount of memory consumed by the Erlang VM.
Erlang processes The total number of Erlang processes running on the server.
Maximum message queue size A measure of the maximum size that the message queue in the Erlang VM reached. If the value of this metric is too high, it can indicate that the server is either overburdened or underpowered. (The definition of high differs based on operational requirements and SLAs.)
Erlang VM free memory The total amount of free memory available inside the Erlang VM.


Replication metrics offer valuable insights into the status and performance of data synchronization processes between CouchDB peers. Here are a few examples:

Metric Description
Replication history This metric shows the historical replication stats, including write failures, total written documents, and total read documents.
Replication source The source of the replication task.
Replication target The target for the replication task.
Replication start time The timestamp at which the replication task was initiated.
Replication type The type of replication (i.e. one time or continuous).
Replication task status The status of the replication task (i.e. initializing, in progress, or completed).

Tools for Monitoring CouchDB Performance

Let’s explore some ways to monitor key CouchDB metrics.

Using Fauxton

CouchDB installations come with Fauxton, a web-based dashboard to administer, manage, and monitor CouchDB databases and instances. Fauxton allows you to:

  • View, edit, and create databases
  • Create and manage users
  • Search, view, and edit documents
  • Set up single node or clustered deployments
  • Monitor active tasks related to replication, compaction, and indexing across all databases
  • Tweak CouchDB configurations, including the HTTP bind address, log file location, and authentication algorithms
  • View, create, and monitor replication tasks

Using the _stats Endpoint

The CouchDB REST API offers a dedicated endpoint, GET /_stats, to fetch key performance and health metrics in real time. For example, to fetch the statistics of the “_local” node running on the localhost, you can hit the following URL: 

Some of the metric categories included in the endpoint response are:

auth_cache_hits, auth_cache_misses, database_writes, database_reads, database_purges, document_inserts, document_writes, document_purges, httpd, httpd_request_methods, httpd_status_codes, open_databases, open_os_files, request_time, couch_server, query_server, and io_queue.

Using some HTTP requests

In addition to the _stats endpoint, there are a few other endpoints that can be used to obtain useful monitoring information. Let's look at a few examples:

  • To retrieve the total number of documents in a database:
    GET /<database_name>/_all_docs 
  • To retrieve a list of all changes made to documents in a database:
    GET /<database_name>/_changes 
  • To retrieve a list of revisions for a particular document:
    GET /<database_name>/<document_id>?revs=true 
  • To retrieve a list of all active tasks:
    GET /_active_tasks   
  • To retrieve a list of all the replication documents, including those with completed, failed, and running states.
    GET /_scheduler/docs   

Using the Site24x7 plugin for CouchDB

The CouchDB monitoring plugin by Site24x7 offers useful features for monitoring CouchDB in production. The plugin is an open-source Python file, which can be downloaded from GitHub and configured in a few simple steps.

Once you have configured the plugin, you can track key CouchDB performance metrics in real-time on the Site24x7 web client. Some of the trackable metrics are:

  • Authentication cache misses
  • Bulk requests
  • HTTP responses
  • View reads
  • Open OS files
  • Database reads and writes

Fine-Tuning CouchDB for Better Performance

Leverage the following tips to optimize your CouchDB databases for better performance:

  • Optimize the sizes of your files. Smaller file sizes result in fewer I/O operations, which improves overall performance.
  • Configure automatic compaction. Compaction optimizes the usage of disk space by deleting unused data.
  • Tweak configuration options as per your needs. For example, you may want to increase the maximum number of connections, open file descriptors, and open databases.
  • Adjust replication-related configurations to optimize data synchronization.
  • Use request batching to improve performance. However, choose the batch size carefully to avoid excessive encoding and decoding time.


CouchDB is a powerful open-source document store that can be deployed on-premise or hosted on any cloud platform. It offers a wide range of features, including efficient replication, native JSON and binary support, MapReduce capabilities, and a flexible REST API. These features make CouchDB a top choice for a NoSQL database.

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