Site24x7 logo January 2025
Product highlights
OpenTelemetry support in Site24x7

Achieve unified, vendor-agnostic observability with Site24x7's OpenTelemetry integration. Collect metrics, logs, and traces across your applications and infrastructure to enhance troubleshooting, gain deeper performance insights, and scale distributed systems efficiently.

Control Plane monitoring: Enhance business processes by tracking the Kubernetes API Server

For companies that rely on Kubernetes to run critical applications, API server outages can hinder workflows and affect customer satisfaction. Overseeing the Control Plane, especially the API server helps track the total traffic, prevent bottlenecks by identifying errors before they impact, monitor the Kubernetes API server resource consumption, and eliminate expensive delays.

Simplify license management with usage summaries

Stay informed about your license consumption with the License Usage Summary. Get a clear view of how your licenses are utilized, monitor your current plan details, and make informed decisions to optimize usage. Also, schedule periodic summary reports to receive regular updates. This feature is available for all business units and MSP customers.

Streamline your reporting with scheduled reports for MSPs

Get customer insights delivered to your inbox with customizable scheduled reports available in PDF or CSV formats. Automate your reporting process to save time and keep all the MSP admins informed with timely updates about their customers in their preferred format and time zone.

Get alerted if your servers' data collection is interrupted

With our latest update, receive alerts if your servers' performance metrics collection is interrupted. Opt to get alerts if performance data collection is disrupted with just one flip of a button in our server monitor settings page. Stay optimized with our agent that monitors more than 80 performance metrics.

Stay ahead with alerts for Newly Detected Log Data

Receive timely notifications when specific log data, previously unseen within a set timeframe, appears in your logs. This ensures enhanced visibility into log activity by highlighting critical changes, such as new errors or unexpected URL failures. Benefit from improved monitoring capabilities that proactively address potential issues before they become larger problems.

Optimize monitoring with On-Premise Poller updates

Enhance your monitoring experience with two new features:
The On-Premise Health Dashboard enables you to track performance, monitor critical metrics, and optimize resource usage effortlessly.
The On-Premise Poller Inventory Report provides detailed insights, including hostnames, statuses, versions, and resource usage—all in one place.

Allocate resources to your IIS servers better with connection attempts monitoring

With our server monitoring agent that comes built-in with IIS monitoring capabilities, you can view the total connection attempts that has reached your IIS servers within a specified period. This helps you allocate enough resources to your IT infrastructure, improve your security posture, and analyze historical trends.

Improve Oracle database performance through ASM monitoring

Automatic Storage Management (ASM) is essential for effective management of Oracle database storage. Tracking essential ASM metrics, including Disk Group space utilization (used and free), and Disk Read and Write I/O activities guarantees optimal storage efficiency and data accessibility. Maintain a competitive edge with thorough ASM monitoring to proactively tackle storage problems and ensure uninterrupted database functionality.

Ensure high availability with enhanced Azure Load Balancer monitoring

For businesses relying on Azure Load Balancers to manage traffic, disruptions can mean lost customers and revenue. Site24x7 delivers enhanced Azure Load Balancer backend monitoring, which provides detailed insights into load balancing rules and the associated back-end health status to ensure seamless distribution. This enables you to use real-time insights to detect unhealthy back-end resources, forecast future capacity with Zia Forecast, and prevent bottlenecks before they occur.

Streamline MSP operations by utilizing rule-based configurations tailored for your customers

Transform the way you manage your customer monitors with Site24x7's Configuration Rules for MSPs. This lets you automate and apply settings across all customer accounts with ease, ensuring consistency and efficiency at scale.

Obtain a centralized view of your AWS Control Tower parent and linked accounts

Gain complete visibility into your AWS Control Tower environment with the Control Tower Inventory Dashboard. Easily toggle between parent and linked accounts and optimize your cloud management with real-time insights. Additionally, analyze regional distribution with the Geo Map widget and view the total monitor count for all Control Tower accounts using the Monitor Count widget in the Custom Dashboard.

Monitor your Apache Spark instances

Track key metrics across Spark components, optimize resource usage, diagnose performance issues, enhance stability, and improve data processing efficiency—all in real time.

Free tools

Check out a couple of our free tools in this month's edition:

Thread stack length

Analyze thread stack length effortlessly to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize resource usage for better system efficiency.

Comprehensive cheat sheet

Access the Site24x7 cheat sheet for quick insights into programming languages, monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimizing your IT infrastructure effortlessly.

Featured articles

This month we're showcasing several hot-to articles and guides on various topics for utilizing Site24x7 in your environment.

Sneak Peek

Gain insights about the upcoming upgrades and feature enhancements for Site24x7.

  • Streamline AWS Organization monitoring
    Easily view, group, and monitor all accounts in your AWS Organizations and gain critical insights with the AWS Organizations integration.

  • Enhance your Amazon Cognito monitoring
    Gain deep insights into user pool activity, identity pool, authentication flows, and token management with Amazon Cognito integration.

  • Support for REST API in Custom Attribute monitor
    Custom Attribute monitor now supports REST API as a data source for collecting and analyzing metrics of API endpoints using the Site24x7's REST API Metric monitor.

  • Support for Azure Service Quota monitoring
    Azure service quota monitoring enables you to track your Azure service quotas usage and get alerts when there is a breach in the set threshold to ensure resource availability.

  • Track your Kubernetes Controller Manager
    Controller Manager monitoring is designed to track key metrics and prevent errors that could result in deployment failures.

  • StatusIQ mobile app: Seamless incident communication on the go
    With the upcoming StatusIQ mobile app for Android and iOS, communicate incidents, update statuses, and notify customers—all from your mobile device.

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