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Q4 2024

Nov 19 to Dec 10

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Nagios Monitoring Integration

Execute all your existing Nagios plugins in Site24x7 and harness the power of the open source community by our extensive integrations.

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With Site24x7-Nagios integration, there is no need to maintain a dedicated server for Nagios and Nagios server software.

How does it work?


  • Ensure that the executable Nagios plugin is present in the server.

Plugin Execution

  • A file named 'nagios_plugins.json' is present under the Linux plugins directory - '/opt/site24x7/monagent/plugins'.
  • Edit the file to include the path to the Nagios script that you want the agent to execute.
  • Here is a sample configuration:
    "nagios": [
    "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ping -H localhost -w 1,1% -c 1,1% -p 5 -t 10 -4",
    "/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_load -r"
    check_load: A Nagios plugin which checks the system load average
    check_ping: A Nagios plugin which checks the server availability, packet loss and round trip average
  • Once configured, the Site24x7 Linux agent will execute the Nagios plugin and push the data to the Site24x7 server every 5 minutes.


Each nagios plugin specified in 'nagios_plugins.json' will be billed as a basic monitor.