Gratis værktøj til at validere og udtrække det matchende stykke JSON-data mod inputudtrykket. JSONPath-syntaks skal gives i formatet $.
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Following are few example jsonpath expressions and results for the above sample json data
JSONPath Expression | Description | Result |
$ | Select the root element | |
$ | Select the value of 'city' element which is the direct children of 'address' element | |
$..type | Select the value of all the 'type' elements in the input json | |
$.address.length() | Select the length of the 'address' element | |
$..* | Select all the elements and its value | |
$.phoneNumbers[1] | Select the 2nd value from 'phoneNumbers' array | |
$.phoneNumbers[?(@.number)] | Select the 'phoneNumbers' element if it have 'number' element within it |