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Bulk Installation of Linux Server Monitoring agent using Chef

Unattended installation can be performed by following the below steps:

The Chef cookbook is available in the following links

Chef community -

Github -

  1. Download Site24x7 cookbook into your chef-repo/cookbooks.site24x7 directory. The name of the cookbook directory should be site24x7 
  2. Set your DEVICE KEY. Edit site24x7/attributes/default.rb and replace YOUR_USER_DEVICE_KEY with your unique Site24x7 DEVICE Key.
    * 'default[:Site24x7][:DEVICEkey]' = "YOUR_USER_DEVICE_KEY"
    Device key can be obtained from Admin > Developer > Device Key
  3. Set proxy attribute if necessary
    * 'default[:Site24x7][:proxy]' = "user:password@proxyhost:proxyport"
  4. Upload the cookbook to your chef server or hosted chef
    * 'knife cookbook upload site24x7'
  5. Include recipe[site24x7] in the run_list for all of your servers
    * 'knife node run_list add NODES 'recipe[site24x7]''
  6. Run the chef-client on your nodes in either of the two ways described below,
    * 'sudo chef-client -i 3600 -s 600' or a batch job.

This will ensure automatic installation of the agent in your server.

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