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Zia-based Forecast is a powerful tool that utilizes advanced analytics and machine learning techniques to provide accurate predictions and insights into the performance of monitors. By analyzing various metrics generated by the resource, Zia-based Forecast can help users make informed decisions and identify potential anomalies in their resources.

Table of contents

Zia-based Forecast: Alerts

Zia-based Forecast allows users to select specific attributes in their monitors and set customized thresholds for prediction. This enables users to focus on the most relevant metrics and be alerted if the predicted metric breaches the defined limit. This can be done by changing the status of the monitor to Trouble or be notified of the changes in the behavior of the monitor. This enables users to proactively monitor their resources and respond to any changes in behavior.

In addition to threshold monitoring, Zia-based Forecast provides insights into resource seasonality. By analyzing historical data, it identifies patterns and trends in the resource's performance over time. This helps users anticipate potential issues during specific periods and take proactive measures to mitigate risks.

With its advanced analytics and predictive capabilities, Zia-based Forecast empowers users to make informed, data-based decisions. By accurately forecasting monitor performance and highlighting anomalies or risks, it enables users to optimize their resource management and ensure smooth operations in seven-day cycles.

To enable Zia-based Forecast predictions to notify you of potential threshold breaches,

  1. Log in to Site24x7.
  2. Navigate to Admin > Configuration Profile.
  3. Select any monitor supported by Zia Forecast. Please refer to the list below for the supported monitors and attributes.
  4. In the Edit Threshold Profile form, click Add Zia Forecast Threshold to add Zia forecast threshold values in attributes supported by Zia-based Forecast.

    threshold form forecast
    Figure 1. Add Zia Forecast Threshold
  5. Click Save.

How it works

By configuring the threshold settings in Zia-based Forecast, you can establish specific trigger points for notifications. For example, let's assume you set a threshold of 80% to receive a Trouble notification and 90% to receive a Critical notification. In this scenario, if you set the Zia Forecast Threshold at 85%, you will receive advance notifications based on Zia's prediction of when the monitor might approach that threshold. These proactive notifications allow you to take preemptive actions to keep the monitor from reaching the Critical state.

You can find Zia-based Forecast in the following places:


Navigate to Home > Dashboards. Choose any monitor type that supports Zia-based Forecast. Your charts will reflect the forecast data if the widgets you create comply with the time period and attributes supported by Zia-based Forecast. The forecast value is represented in a translucent section in the area charts, and in the line graph, it is represented as a dotted line.

To enable or disable Zia-based Forecast, click Edit Dashboard on the top bar. You can click the Zia icon over the chart to disable this feature.

enable forecast
Figure 2. Edit Dashboard

zia forecast in dashboard
Figure 3. Zia icon in forecast charts


From the left navigation, go to Reports > Performance Report. Once you enable Show Forecast Values displayed in the top bar, you will be able to see the forecast data in the charts. The forecast data will be represented as a blue translucent section in the area chart, and in the line graph, the data will be represented as a dotted line.

forecast in performance report
Figure 4. Performance Report

Schedule Reports
  1. Go to Admin > Report Settings > Schedule Reports.
  2. Click Schedule Report on the top bar at the right side.
  3. In the form, choose Performance Report from the drop-down menu in the Report Type field.
  4. Next, select a Monitor Type that supports Zia-based Forecast after which you will be provided an option to either enable or disable the Zia forecast values in the report. This option will be disabled by default.
  5. Click Save.

    forecast in schedule report
    Figure 5. Zia Forecast in Schedule Report
In the tabulation of reports, the forecast values are differentiated with italics.
Public Reports
  1. Go to Admin > Share > Public Reports.
  2. Click Publish Report on the right side at the top bar.
  3. In the form, choose Public Report from the drop-down menu in the Report Type field.
  4. Next, select a Monitor Type that is supported by Zia-based Forecast after which you will be provided an option to either enable or disable the Zia-based forecast values in the report with the toggle button provided. This option will be disabled by default.
  5. Click Save.

    forecast in publish report
    Figure 6. Zia Forecast in Publish Report
In the tabulation of reports, the forecast values are differentiated with italics.
  • The resource should have provided at least five continuous data points for a monitor to support the forecast feature.
  • When you choose the Report Period, please note that this feature will be applicable only for the following options:
    • This week
    • Last 7 days (till yesterday)
    • Last 30 days (till yesterday)
    • This month
    • This quarter
    • This year

The forecast feature is applicable for the following monitor types and attributes.


Monitor Types Attributes
Azure Virtual Machine
  Network Out
  Percentage CPU
  Disk Write Bytes
  Network In
  Disk Read Bytes
NetApp Capacity Pools Pool Allocated to Volume Size
  Pool Consumed Size
  Total Snapshot Size for the Pool
Cloud Services Percentage CPU
  Available Memory Bytes
Virtual Networks Failed Pings to a VM
  Round trip time for Pings to a VM
Bastions Session Count
  Used CPU
  Used Memory
Network Connections BitsInPerSecond
Managed Clusters Disk Used Percentage
  CPU Usage Percentage
  Memory RSS Percentage
App Configuration HTTP Incoming Request Count
  HTTP Incoming Request Duration
  Throttled HTTP Request Count
Network Watcher Connections AverageRoundtripMs
Data Explorer Cluster Instance Count
  Total Number of Throttled Commands
Azure App Service Http3xx
Automation TotalJob
Automation Accounts Memory percent
  Storage percent
  CPU percent
Server Farms File Storage Used Percent
  File Storage Percent
  File System Storage
NAT Gateway Dropped Packets
  Total SNAT Connection Count
Storage Transactions
  Success Server Latency
  Success E2E Latency
Container Apps CPU Usage
  Replica Count
Cosmos DB Memory percent
  CPU percent
  Storage used
String Apps Tomcat Sessions Expired
  Tomcat Sessions Active Current
AzureDB for MYSQL Flexible Server Host Memory Percent
  IO Percent
  Host CPU Percent
Web PubSub Services Outbound Traffic
  Connection Count
Database for MySQL Servers dtu_consumption_percent
Net App Account Volume Percentage Volume Consumed Size
  Volume Allocated Size
Stream Analytics Jobs Runtime Errors
  SU (Memory) Utilization %
  CPU Utilization %
Route Servers Data Processed by the Virtual Hub Router
  Bgp Peer Status
Managed Grafana HTTP Request Count
CDN Profiles ResponseSize

Amazon web services

Monitor Types Attributes
Lightsail Database Network Transmit Throughput
  Network Receive Throughput
  Disk Queue Depth
  CPU Utilization (%)
Database Migration Service (DMS) Swap Usage
  Memory Usage
  CPU Utilization
Simple Email Service (SES) Emails Sent in Last 24hrs
  Email Usage in the Last 24 Hours
Transit Gateway Bytes Out
  Packet Drop Count Blackhole
  Bytes Drop Count Blackhole
  Bytes Drop Count No Route
  Packet Drop Count No Route
  Packets Out
  Bytes In
  Packets In
Route 53 Resolver Outbound Query Volume
  Inbound Query Volume
Network load balancer Consumed LCU Sum
Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Memory utilized by pods
  Memory utilized by nodes
  CPU utilized by pods
  CPU units used by nodes
  CPU utilization by nodes
VPC-VPN connection Tunnel Data Received
  Total Tunnel Data Sent
  Tunnel Data Sent
  Total Tunnel Data Received
Route 53 Health Check Time To First Byte
  TCP Connection Time
  Time To First Byte
  Health Percentage
Storage Gateway File Cache Hit Percent
  Cache Percent Used
  Cache Percent Dirty
Elastic MapReduce Total Load
  HDFS Bytes Written
  S3 Bytes Read
  S3 Bytes Written
  HDFS Bytes Read
  Capacity Remaining
  HDFS Utilization
Lightsail Instance Network In
  Network Out
  CPU Utilization (%)
Storage Gateway Cache Hit Percent
  Upload Buffer Percent Used
  Working Storage Percent Used
  Cache Percent Used
  Cache Percent Dirty
  User Cpu Percent
  IO wait percent
Cloud Search Searchable Documents
  Index Utilization
Elastic Container Service (ECS) Running Tasks
  Memory Utilization
  CPU Utilization
EC Memcached Node Evictions Occurred
  Current Connections
  Reclaimed Occurred
  Swap Usage
  Current Items
  CPU Usage
Elastic Kubernetes Service Namespace Memory utilized by pods
  Memory Utilized
  CPU Utilized
  CPU utilized by pods
  Memory utilized by pods
  CPU utilized by pods
Amazon FSX Data Write Bytes
  Data Write Operation
  Data Read Bytes
  Meta Data Operation
  Data Read Operation
Gateway Load Balancer Consumed LCU Sum
Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Memory Utilized
  CPU Utilized
  Network Traffic
Elastic Search Free Storage Space
  JVM GC Old Collection Time
  Cluster Used Space
  JVM GC Old Collection Count
  Read IOPS
  Elasticsearch Requests
  Disk Queue Depth
  System Memory Utilization
  Deleted Documents
  CPU Utilization
  CPU Credit Balance
Relational Database Service (RDS) Free Storage in %
  CPU Surplus Credits Charged
  Volume Write IOPs
  Freeable Memory (%)
  CPU Credit Usage
  CPU Usage
  CPU Credit Balance
  Aurora Bin Log Replica Lag
  Bin Log Disk Usage
  CPU Surplus Credit Balance
  Burst Balance
  Swap Usage
  Transaction Logs Disk Usage
  Volume Read IOPs
  Disk Queue Depth
  Free Local Storage
  Freeable Memory
  Database Connections Sum
Simple Storage Service (S3) Maximum Object Size
  Number of Folders
  Number of Objects in the Folder
  Total number of Objects in the Subfolders
  Minimum Object Size
  Total Number of Subfolders
  Number Of Objects Modified in Last 5 minutes
Step Functions Execution Time
  Execution Throttled
  No. of Executions Timed Out
  No. of Executions Failed
S3 Bucket Bucket Size
  Number of Objects
Amazon MQ Volume Write Ops
  Total Dequeue Count
  Store Percent Usage
  Volume Read Ops
  Broker Heap Usage
  Total Enqueue Count
  CPU Usage (CloudWatch)
Simple Queue Service (SQS) Number Of Messages Sent
  Number Of Messages Received
NAT Gateway Connection Established Count
  Connection Attempt Count
  Active Connection Count
  Packets Drop Count
  Error Port Allocation
Application Load Balancer (ALB) Request Count Per Target
  Rejected Connections
  Requests Count Sum
  Consumed LCU Sum
Route 53 Hosted Zone Request Count
Direct Connect - Virtual Interface Virtual Interface Bps Ingress (Bits)
  Virtual Interface Bps Egress (Bits)
Lambda@Edge Invocations
  Success Percentage
EC2 Capacity Reservation Instance Utilization
Neptune Cluster Volume Bytes Used
  SPARQL Requests
  SPARQL Errors
  Gremlin Errors
  Gremlin Requests
  CPU Utilization (%)
Redshift Evictions Occurred
  Current Connections
  Reclaimed Occurred
  Swap Usage
  Current Items
  CPU Usage
EC2 instance IOPS Usage
  CPU Surplus Credits Charged
  CPU Surplus Credit Balance
  Burst Balance
  Number of Bytes Sent
  Number of Bytes Received
  CPU Usage (CloudWatch)
  CPU Credit Usage
  CPU Credit Balance
AMQ Queue In Flight Count
Lightsail Load Balancer Request Count
  Instance Response Time
  HTTP 4xx - Load Balancer
  HTTP 4xx - Instance
  Rejected Connection Count
Elastic Container Service (ECS) Container Instances
  CPU Utilization Maximum
  CPU Reservation
  Memory Reservation
  Memory Utilization
  CPU Utilization
Transit Gateway Attachment Bytes Out
  Packet Drop Count Blackhole
  Bytes Drop Count Blackhole
  Bytes Drop Count No Route
  Packet Drop Count NoRoute
  Packets Out
  Bytes In
  Packets In
Web Application Firewall (WAF) Counted Requests
  Blocked Requests
  Passed Requests
Amazon AppStream 2.0 Capacity Utilization
EC2 Auto Scaling Group Number of Bytes Sent
  Number of Bytes Received
  CPU Usage (CloudWatch)
AMQ Topic Memory Usage
  In Flight Count
DDB cluster CPU Surplus Credits Charged
  Maximum Queue Depth For Request Throttled Due To Low Memory
  Volume Write IOPs
  Database Cursors(Max) Sum
  Database Connections(Max) Sum
  CPU Usage
  CPU Credit Balance
  CPU Credit Usage
  Database Cursors TimedOut
  CPU Surplus Credit Balance
  Swap Usage
  Transactions Open Max Sum
  Queue Depth For Request Throttled Due To Low Memory
  Volume Read IOPs
  Disk Queue Depth
  Database Connections Sum
  Number of Operations Throttled Due to Low Memory
  Database Cursors Sum
  Freeable Memory
  Transactions Open Sum
SG Volume Cache Hit Percent
  Cache Percent Used
  Cache Percent Dirty
Elastic Search Memcached Evictions Occurred
  Current Connections
  Reclaimed Occurred
  Swap Usage
  Current Items
  CPU Usage
Amazon DMS Instance Write Operations
  Swap Usage
  Read Operations
  Disk Queue Depth
  Freeable Memory
  CPU Utilization
Elastic Search Node Free Storage Space
  JVM GC Old Collection Time
  JVM GC Old Collection Count
  System Memory Utilization
  CPU Utilization
Elastic File System (EFS) File Metered Size
  Burst Credit Balance
  Permitted Throughput
Neptune Instance SPARQL Requests
  SPARQL Errors
  Gremlin Errors
  Gremlin Requests
  CPU Utilization (%)
Loadbalancer Surge Queue Length
  Spill Over Count
DDB Instance CPU Surplus Credits Charged
  Maximum Queue Depth For Request Throttled Due To Low Memory
  Volume Write IOPs
  Database Cursors(Max) Sum
  Database Connections(Max) Sum
  CPU Usage
  CPU Credit Balance
  CPU Credit Usage
  Database Cursors TimedOut
  CPU Surplus Credit Balance
  Swap Usage
  Transactions Open Max Sum
  Queue Depth For Request Throttled Due To Low Memory
  Volume Read IOPs
  Disk Queue Depth
  Database connections Sum
  Number Of Operations Throttled Due To Low Memory
  Database Cursors Sum
  Freeable Memory
  Transactions Open Sum


Monitor Types Attributes
Windows Backups Used Space(GB)
MySQL Database Slow Queries
  InnoDB Tables in Use
Server Used Space (%)
  Overall Disk Usage
  Used Space
  Overall Disk Size
  Overall Disk Free Space


Monitor Types Attributes
VMware Space Occupied by VM(Percentage)
  Partition Used Space (GB)
  Free Space
  Snapshot Space (Percentage)
  Disk File Space
  Snapshot Space
  Disk File Space (Percentage)
  Occupied Space
  Snapshots Size
  Snapshot Space
  Free Space
  Disk File Space


Monitor Types Attributes
Network Device Tx Utilized


Monitor Types Attributes
Capacity Total Number of Monitors
  Maximum Downtime
  Availability (%)
MySQL Database Total Errors
Status Check Monitor Total Number of Monitors
  Maximum Downtime
  Availability (%)
GCP Cloudrun Received Bytes
  Outbound Packets Throttled
  Billable Instance Time
  Max Concurrent Requests
  Outbound Bytes Throttled
  Request Count
  Container CPU Utilization
  Container CPU Allocation
  Instance Count
  Container Memory Allocation
  Sent Bytes
  Inbound Bytes Throttled
  Request Latency
  Container Memory Utilization
  Inbound Packets Throttled
  Container Startup Latency

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