IT Automation
Auto-resolve issues for reduced MTTR and increase performance efficiency of your websites, servers, applications, AWS and Azure services, and more.
Add an Automation
We have exclusive automation tools to auto-remediate incidents. View the complete list.
Test the Automation
Once you add an automation, go to the IT Automation Summary page (Admin > Configuration Profiles > IT Automation) and use the icon for a test run. The automation will be initiated and communicated to the server monitoring agent. Once the command gets executed by the agent, the result will be posted in the web client. This will take a few minutes to complete.
Click on the IT Automation Logs to view the list of automations executed by date.
Map the Automation
For an automation to be executed, map it with a monitor(s) or an attribute(s). This can be done in two ways:
Monitor Level (Status) Mapping:
This is a monitor level configuration. In the Edit Monitor page, associate the automation with the appropriate monitor/attribute status change:
- Execute on Down
- Execute on Up
- Execute on Trouble
- Execute on any Status Change
- Execute on any Attribute Status Change
When any of the above scenarios occur, the automation will be triggered and executed.
You can associate automation to attributes like CPU, memory, disk utilization, website response time, and more. In the Edit Threshold Profile window (Admin > Configuration Profiles > Threshold and Availability), add a new or select an existing threshold profile and associate the automation scripts to any attribute that may fail.
Attribute-level mapping for disk partition, processes, services, application servers and more:
The automation(s) created can also be mapped to server performance metrics including services and processes, disk partition details and network stats.
- For bulk mapping, click on the Threshold Configuration button in the widget and map the automation.
- For individual mapping, use the pencil icon across that particular attribute.
Eg:, Consider you have configured a server command to automate moving of logs from /home when its disk usage exceeds 80%. Now, go to the Summary page of that server monitor and click on the pencil icon beside the /home partition. Map this automation with Disk Utilization Threshold set at 80%. This would trigger and execute the automation of moving the logs to /backup when the disk usage exceeds the configured threshold.