Help Docs

Internet Services Discovery Settings

Deep Discovery for Internet Services eliminate the need for end-users to manually configure related monitor types, and helps to ensure that you're monitoring every facet of your architecture to discover anomalies.The Discovery Settings will help you define your account's discovery filter for your website/internet services monitors; thus, making it easy for you to administer the discovery actions for these monitor types. You can also customize the discovery frequency or even choose to automatically add internet service resources during the next discovery cycle.

Cutomize Dicovery Settings for Internet Services

  1. Log in to Site24x7 account.
    Discovery Settings can be accessed and updated during the process of deep discovery of Internet services. It can also be accessed during the discovery of internet service resources for domains hosted on Amazon Route 53 and domain for your internet facing elastic load balancer of your AWS account.
  2. You can also access via Admin > Help Assistant > General Settings > Deep Discovery Settings.
  3. Follow the steps below to customize your internet services discovery settings:
    • Discover resources at regular intervals: Set the toggle button to "YES", to enable auto-discovery of new internet service resources for your account.
      If you don't want Site24x7 to auto-discover resources, move the toggle button to "NO".
    • Discovery Frequency: You can customize the check frequency by choosing from among "Daily", "Weekly", or "Monthly" cycle. Click the appropriate radio button based on your preference.
      During initial configuration, Site24x7 auto-discovers internet services for your domain on a monthly basis.
    • Automatically add discovered resources for monitoring: Move the toggle button to "YES", to enable Site24x7 to automatically add the identified resources during the next discovery cycle.
      The toggle button is normally set to "NO".

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