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Device Key

Device Key is a unique and secure alphanumeric key. It is an authentication mechanism where the Site24x7 agent pushes the performance metrics to to interact and store data into Site24x7 data center. This is then presented as performance graphs and reports. The Site24x7 agents that use the device key are:

  • Windows Server Agent
  • Linux Server Agent
  • FreeBSD
  • MacOS 
  • Docker Agent
  • Kubernetes
  • On-Premise Poller
  • Mobile Network Poller
  • APM Insight Java Agent
  • APM Insight .NET Agent
  • APM Insight Ruby Agent
  • APM Insight PHP Agent
  • APM Insight Node.js Agent
  • APM Insight Python Agent
  • Site24x7 DeskApp
  • Azure VM Extension
  • Zapier Integration
It is strongly recommended to not share your device key with others, since this might cause a security breach. In case of an account with multiple sub-users, the super admin and the admin roles alone would be able to access the device key. Since the device key is unique, no two Site24x7 accounts can have the same device key.

Generate Device Key

  1. Log in to Site24x7 and go to Admin > Developer > Device Key.
  2. You will find the key available in the Device Key screen. Copy-paste it and use it for the installation of the above agents.

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