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Configuration Rules (Configuration Templates Deprecated)

Configuration Templates have been deprecated and successfully replaced by Configuration Rules.

Why Migrate to Configuration Rules?

  • Configuration rules offer better pre-defined actions to associate various monitor configurations to newly-added monitors.
  • Specific criteria can be set up based on which the actions defined in the rules will be applied to the monitors. Learn more.

Migrating to Configuration Rules

Note: If you have been using configuration templates, ensure they are migrated successfully as configuration rules.

  1. Log in to Site24x7 and go to Admin > Server Monitor > Configuration Template.
  2. Toggle Yes for the option Migrate to Configuration Rules.

The templates will be successfully migrated to configuration rules.

The existing templates in your Site24x7 account would remain unaffected even after migration to rules. The templates will no longer be applied to the newly-added monitors, but can be viewed in the Configuration Template page.

Setting up Configuration Rules

Supported OS platforms: Windows and Linux

  1. Log in to Site24x7 and go to Admin > Inventory > Configuration Rules. Click on Add Rule.
  2. Provide a Display Name, Description for the rule.
  3. Define Criteria: Mention the criteria as AND or OR. Based on the criteria defined (AND or OR), either one criterion (OR) or all of them (AND) will be taken into consideration for executing an action.
  4. Select the Monitor Type as Server Monitor for servers; Docker for docker containers; Server Process for processes; Server Service for services; and Server Disk Partition for disks.
  5. Define Actions: Use the drop-down and associate the following actions for servers and ensure the Monitor Type is Server Monitor:
    • Resource Profile - Monitor files, directories, event logs, and sys logs.
    • Add Processes - Manually add the name of the processes that you wish to monitor once a server is added for monitoring. Press Enter to add multiple values.
      Further more, you can use RegEx to specify paths and arguments in the below format:

      For example, if you would like to:
      • Add only the processes with name java and containing the string "tomcat" in argument at all the paths:
        • java###.*###.*tomcat.*
      • Add all java process from the path "/home/software" without considering the arguments:
        • java###/home/software
      • Add all processes in the path "/home/software" and only the arguments containing the string "tomcat":
        • java###/home/software###.*tomcat.*
    • Add Services - Manually add the name of the Windows services that you wish to monitor once a server is added for monitoring. Press Enter to add multiple values.
      Ensure to provide the service name, and not the service display name. Click on the properties of that service in service.msc to get the service name.
    • Auto Discover Services, Auto Discover Processes - Set the value as True if you want the agent to automatically match the services/processes running in your server with our default list and auto-add them for monitoring.
    • Exclude Disk Partitions - Mention the RegEx pattern(s) to exclude specific disk partitions from monitoring. For example, to exclude all disk partitions starting with /snap, mention the RegEx as /snap.* Press Enter to add multiple values. The exclusion will be applied only to the new monitors added. For the existing server monitors, they will be deleted.
      Even if a disk partition is excluded from monitoring, they will be included when calculating the overall disk utilization value under the respective server monitor's Disks tab. To exclude these disk partitions from existing monitors, run the rule manually once.
    • Exclude Network Interfaces - Mention the RegEx pattern(s) to exclude specific network interfaces from monitoring. Press Enter to add multiple values. The exclusion will be applied only to the new monitors added. For the existing server monitors, they will be deleted.
    • Check Frequency - Select the poll interval as one minute or five minutes for data collection to happen. One minute poll frequency is supported from versions 18.4.2 for Windows & 16.7.0 for Linux.
    • Enable Event Log/Syslog Monitoring - Set this to True to enable event log monitoring for Windows server and syslog monitoring for Linux servers.
    • Disable Server Application Discovery - Select the Windows/Linux application from the drop-down that you don't want to discover and add for monitoring when a Windows/Linux server is installed.
    • Log Profiles: Select the list of Log Profiles that you wish to collect logs from the server. The server monitor will be automatically associated with the selected Log Profiles.
      Configuration rules for server monitors
  6. Associate the following actions for docker containers and ensure the Monitor Type is Docker:
    • Mute Container Termination Alerts - Set this to True if you don't want to receive alerts when the docker containers are suspended/deleted from Site24x7.
    • Auto-discover Docker Containers- Set this to True if you want to automatically discover and add containers for monitoring.
    • Automatically Remove Terminated Containers - Set this to True if you want to remove terminated containers from Site24x7.
  7. Associate the following criterion and actions for server processes and ensure the Monitor Type is Server Process:
    • Criterion: Process name (mandatory), Process Arguments, Monitor Name, Tags, and Monitor Groups.
    • Actions: Associate tags, update process' display name, and mention RegEx patterns for your process arguments.
    • Threshold Configuration: Set threshold values for metrics like thread count, CPU utilization, memory utilization, handle count, and more with conditions >, <, =, >=, <=.
  8. Associate the following criterion and actions for server services and ensure the Monitor Type is Server Service:
    • Criterion: Service Name (mandatory), Service Display Name, Monitor Name, Tags, and Monitor Groups.
    • Actions: Associate tags, update service's display name, and set Threshold Profile for the server monitor which contains the specified service.
    • Threshold Configuration: Set threshold values for the metrics of the associated process like thread count, CPU utilization, memory utilization, handle count, and more with conditions >, <, =, >=, <=.
  9. Associate the following criterion and actions for disk partitions and ensure the Monitor Type is Server Disk Partition.
    • Criterion:Type is Server Disk Partition and mention the Disk Partition Name/Monitor Name/Disk Size (in GB).
    • Actions: Set threshold values for metrics like disk utilization, disk free space, partition disk reads, and more with conditions >, <, =, >=, <=.
  10. Save your changes.

Once the rules have been configured, hover on the hamburger icon beside the rule name to Run Rule, Clone, and Delete it.

List of Default Services & Processes

Once a Windows/Linux monitor is added, the agent will match the services/processes in your servers with the following services/processes and auto-add them for monitoring.

Windows services:

  • .*postgresql.*
  • .*MySQL.*
  • .*amService.*
  • .*Apache2.*
  • .*assetexplorer.*
  • .*avp.*
  • .*avpsus.*
  • .*BackupExecJobEngine.*
  • .*BackupExecRPCService.*
  • .*DHCPServer.*
  • .*MailService.*
  • .*DNS.*
  • .*HTTPFilter.*
  • .*MongoDB.*
  • .*Tomcat.*
  • .*MSMQ.*

Linux processes:

  • "mysqld.*
  • .*java.*
  • .*httpd.*
  • .*apache2.*
  • .*nginx.*
  • .*redis-se.*
  • .*smtpd.*
  • .*php5-fpm.*
  • .*mongod.*
  • .*postgres.*
  • .*splunkd.*
  • .*auditd.*
  • .*imap.*
  • .*oracle.*
  • .*nfsiod.*
  • .*openvpn.*
  • .*smbd.*
  • .*ntpd.*
  • .*nfsd.*
  • .*sendmail.*
You can also manually add services and processes for monitoring. Select the rule Add Services/Add Processes and enter the name of the service/process in the given text box.


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