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S247DataExporter for Linux

The S247DataExporter is an independent process that communicates application metrics and traces to the Site24x7 server.

How to install the S247DataExporter

The S247DataExporter can be installed using any of the following methods:

  1. Set options using the command-line interface
  2. Set options using the Environmental Variables

Set options using the command-line interface

Follow the steps below to set options using the command-line interface.

  1. Download the installation script.
    wget -O
  2. Execute the installation command with the required options.
    sudo sh -lk "licensekey"


    sudo sh -license.key "licensekey"

    The list of other available options is given below:

    Option Description
    -lk, -license.key Your account license key
    -bp, -behind.proxy The option for enabling or disabling proxy (Set to true or false)
    -pu, -proxy.url Complete proxy URL
    -asp, -agent.status.port Inter Process Communication status port number
    -adp, Inter Process Communication data port number

Set options using the Environmental Variables

Follow the steps below to set options using the command-line interface.

  1. Download the installation script.
    wget -O
  2. Set the required options.
    export S247_LICENSE_KEY="licensekey"

    The list of other available options is given below:

    Option Description
    S247_LICENSE_KEY Your account license key
    BEHIND_PROXY The option for enabling or disabling proxy (Set to true or false)
    PROXY_URL Complete proxy URL
    AGENT_STATUS_PORT Inter Process Communication status port number
    AGENT_DATA_PORT Inter Process Communication data port number
  3. Execute the installation command.
    sudo -E sh

How to uninstall the S247DataExporter

Execute the below uninstallation command to uninstall the S247DataExporter.

sudo sh /opt/S247DataExporter/bin/ uninstall

How to change the configuration after installing the S247DataExporter

Modify the configuration.json file located in the /opt/S247DataExporter/conf directory.

Commands to manage S247DataExporter

The following are the commands for managing S247DataExporter.

To start S247DataExporter

service S247DataExporter start


sh /opt/S247DataExporter/bin/ start

To stop S247DataExporter

service S247DataExporter stop


sh /opt/S247DataExporter/bin/ stop

To restart S247DataExporter

service S247DataExporter restart


sh /opt/S247DataExporter/bin/ restart

To check the status of S247DataExporter

service S247DataExporter status


sh /opt/S247DataExporter/bin/ status

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