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Monitor Azure Function Apps

You can track the performance of your Azure Functions app's key metrics like response time, throughput, Apdex score, errors, and exceptions via the APM Insight .NET Core agent. 


1. Install APM Insight .NET Core agent extension

2. Upgrade your APM Insight .NET Core agent 

Note: You need to add APM Insight .NET Core agent to your Azure function app to start monitoring. To do this, you need your Site24x7 license key. Obtain your license key from the Site24x7 account, and keep it handy for the following steps. 

To obtain your license key:  Log in to your Site24x7 account > APM Insight > Add APM Insight Agent > .NET Agent > License Key.  If you are a new user, sign up for a Site24x7 account and obtain your license key. 

Azure app license key

1.Installing the APM Insight .NET Core extension in the Azure Functions app

1.Log in to, and navigate to your Functions app listed under Functions Apps on the left-hand side.   

 Installing Microsoft Azure app

2.Select the extension APM Insight .NET Core Agent.  

Choose extension as APM Insight .NET Core Agent

3.Accept the license agreement for installing the agent. 

Accept legal terms

4.Navigate to your Azure Functions app settings, and add the license key in the given format:


Value: Your Site24x7 license key 

Your Site24x7 license key

5.Once you've added the extension, restart your Azure Functions app to start monitoring the function.  

Restart Azure Functions app

6.You can view the metrics once some transactions take place.    

View metrics

2.Upgrading the .NET agent 

To upgrade APM Insight agent to monitor your Azure functions, follow the instructions given below:

1.Log in to the Azure Portal.

2.Open the Azure Function app and navigate to Platform Features > Site Extensions link.  

3.Choose APM Insight .NET Core Agent. Whenever an update is available, it is indicated on the extension APM Insight .NET Core Agent.

APM Insight .NET Core Agent

4.Click on the extension, and select Update to upgrade the agent.  

APM Insight .NET Core Agent update

5.Once the agent update is finished, restart the Azure Function app and use it to continue monitoring.

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