Help Docs

Installing Java Agent in WebLogic 12.1.3 and above


Refer to this help page for the previous steps.

  1. Extract the ZIP file to a new directory to find the agent's JAR file and its configuration files.
  2. Configure the properties such as license key, application name and port in the apminsight.conf file located in the extracted folder.
  3. Follow either of the following based on your setup:
    1. Stand-alone setup
    2. Cluster setup

For standalone setup

  1. Open the <ORACLE_HOME>/user_projects/domains/<doman_name>/bin/startWebLogic.cmd(.sh) file in any text editor
  2. Add the following lines to the top of the script file.
  •    For Windows, 
    set JAVA_OPTIONS=-DUseSunHttpHandler=true -javaagent:<agent_directory_full_path>apminsight-javaagent.jar %JAVA_OPTIONS%
  • For Linux, 
    JAVA_OPTIONS="-DUseSunHttpHandler=true -javaagent:<agent_directory_full_path>/apminsight-javaagent.jar $JAVA_OPTIONS"
  1. Save the file and restart the WebLogic server.

For cluster setup

  1. Open the administrative console of WebLogic server and navigate to the Environment > Servers > Configuration tab.
  2. Select (Your server name) > Configuration > Server Start tab.
  3. Locate the Arguments textbox and enter the following argument:
    -javaagent:<agent_directory_full_path>/apminsight-javaagent.jar -DUseSunHttpHandler=true

    Install APM Insight Java agent on Weblogic
  4. Save the file and restart the WebLogic server.

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