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Uninstall Java Agent

  1. Remove -javaagent argument from JVM configurations
  2. JVM configurations for the respective servers can be found in the specified files as listed below:
  • For tomcat,

          catalina.bat / 

  • For JBoss & Wildfly, 

          <JBOSS_HOME>/bin/standalone.bat(In Linux, OR

          <JBOSS_HOME>/domain/configuration/Host.xml OR

           Management console -> Hosts > Server Configurations > <Your Server> > JVM Configuration tab

  • For glassfish,

          Admin console > Hosts > Server Configurations > <Your Server> > JVM Configuration tab

  • For websphere,

          Open administrative console of your IBM Websphere server

          Select Servers > ServerType > WebSphere Application Servers >

         Server Name > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine > Generic JVM Arguments 

  1. Restart the application server

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