Help Docs

User Sessions

With User Sessions, you can analyze the user behavior of your website visitors.

Understand how users navigate through your website, and learn how much time they spend viewing each webpage, and in each session.

Page metrics, including total response time, browser and device, user sessions, and webpage loading time, are listed for individual users for a chosen time frame.

To view User Sessions:

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 account > RUM > Your application > User Sessions
  2. The top band displays the numbers of sessions, number of users, average number of pages navigated, and average viewing time.

Figure 1: Top band displaying total sessions, users, and average sessions navigated.

  • If a user is idle on the website for more than fifteen minutes, then revisits a webpage, it is considered a separate session.  
  • By default a random user id is generated. You can set unique user id's, change session timeout duration etc., using custom APIs. Learn more
  1. Click on individual user details to inspect further details like sessions accessed by that user, time taken for each session, and the page loading time of individual pages accessed by the user.  

Figure 2: Details of individual user sessions.

  1. You can also filter user sessions based on user id, browser, device type, country, and domain. This helps you inspect user-specific or region-specific issues, and determine the root cause effectively.

Figure 3: User sessions filtered based on browser type.

In Figure 3 above, the user sessions are filtered by Browser type. You can add additional filters based on user id, geography, and device to inspect an issue further.

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