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Alerting, configuration and thresholds

Add user

You can let other members in your organization access Site24x7 account or receive alert notifications. Site24x7 gives you the ability to assign privileges, provide contact information and to customize alert settings for each individual contact added. To learn more about how you can add, edit and delete contacts, refer our documentation.

Alert settings

When it comes to alerts settings, Site24x7 provides you full customization.

  • Select the prefered channel of notification you want, from SMS, email, voice calls, and IM alerts.
  • Whom do you want to alert, your Ops team working in the morning or the night shift team, the alerting period option let you define alerting time based on requirement and availability.

To Set up email, voice calls, SMS, IM, and email formats, read here.

Create contact group

Once you have added contacts, you can associate them to various contact groups

Read more to see how you can organize contacts

Notification Profile

When do you want the alert to be triggered, should it be at the first failure or should it after the third failure, also do you want to be continuously alerted for every error or just for the first error. With Site24x7 you can customize who gets alerted, when and how.

See how you can customize notification delay and frequency of the notifications. Learn more.

Threshold profile

Site24x7 auto discovers and gathers performance metrics of your critical AWS services. Set metric level thresholds for each performance counter to get alerted in the event of threshold violation.

The steps for configuring threshold profile for each supported AWS resource monitor is documented below.

Third party alert integrations

Site24x7 provides different options as notification channels to receive alerts.

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