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AWS Monitoring: Tags

Tags are the perfect way to organize any data. AWS Monitoring lets you use tags to aid the discovery of AWS monitors, enable uptime monitoring, and more.

Tags are case-sensitive.

This section provides a summary of the tags that are available in Site24x7 and can be used in AWS Monitoring. Learn more about Site24x7 tags.



The monitor will not be discovered when this tag’s value field is set to false in the AWS console. This tag is given priority over other tags when this value is set to false.


AWS users can automatically segment the resources into Monitor Groups in Site24x7 using this tag. The tags that you assign get synced with Site24x7 during every poll, ensuring that the Monitor Group you’ve created always stays up-to-date.


When this tag’s value field is set to true, uptime monitoring for AWS resources is enabled and the metric collection is disabled.


In each child monitor, we append this tag automatically in the Site24x7 console to denote the Amazon monitor name, thereby helping to keep track of monitors with the same monitor name across different AWS accounts. This tag doesn't have a value field associated with it.


The aws_account_id tag key is appended to each AWS resource monitor by default with the value as an AWS account ID. This helps you keep track of which AWS accounts are associated with each AWS resource monitor.


Watch this quick tutorial to learn how you can leverage the tags functionality to oragnize your AWS resources.


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