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Amazon DynamoDB Integration

Amazon DynamoDB: DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud that lets your create database tables to store and and retrieve any amount of items, and serve any number of application requests by dynamically scaling throughput capacity. With Site24x7's integration you can monitor all key usage stats to help you optimize your DynamoDB environment.

Setup and configuration

  • If you haven't done it already, create Site24x7 as an IAM user or create a cross account IAM role to enable Site24x7 access to your AWS resources. Learn more.
  • Then, in the Integrate AWS Account page, please make sure the DynamoDB check box is selected in the Services to be discovered field. Learn more.
  • Learn more.

Policies and permissions

Ensure the following read level actions are present in the policy assigned to the Site24x7 IAM entity. Learn more.

  • "dynamodb:DescribeTable",
  • "dynamodb:ListTagsOfResource",
  • "dynamodb:ListBackups",
  • "dynamodb:ListTables",
  • "dynamodb:DescribeLimits",
  • "lambda:ListEventSourceMappings"

Polling frequency

Site24x7 queries the CloudWatch and other AWS service level APIs as per the poll frequency set (1 minute to a day), to collect metrics and metadata for your DynamoDB table.

To view data

  • Log in to the Site24x7 console. Choose AWS and click on your "monitored AWS account".
  • Choose DynamoDB. From the list of monitored DynamoDB tables, choose the table for which you want to view metrics for.
  • View all the graphed metrics in the Summary tab.

Supported performance metrics

As part of our integration with Amazon Web Services, we collect the following metrics for your DynamoDB table:

Attribute Description statistics Data type
Conditional check failed requests Measures the number of times conditional writes failed for your table. Sum Count
Provisioned read capacity units Measures the provisioned read capacity units for your table Average, min and max Count
Provisioned write capacity units Measures the provisioned write capacity units for your table. Average, min and max Count
Consumed read capacity units Measures the number of consumed read capacity units for your table. Sum Count
Consumed write capacity units Measures the number of consumed write capacity units for your table. Sum Count
Throttled requests Measures the number of requests that were throttled due to provisioned throughput limit breach. Sum Count
Read throttle events Measures the number of read events in a request that were throttled due to provisioned read capacity units breach. Sum Count
Write throttle events Measures the number of write events in a request that were throttled due to provisioned write capacity units breach. Sum Count
Returned item count Measures the number of items returned by the query or scan operation. Average Count
Successful request latency Measures the elapsed time for sucessful requests. Average Milliseconds
User errors Measures the number of times a request to DyanmoDB resulted in a HTTP 400 status code. Sum Count
Online index consumed write capacity Measures the number of write capacity units that were consumed when adding a new global secondary index to the table. Sum Count
Online index percentage progress Measures the relative progress of a new global secondary index in terms of percentage. Sum Count
Online index throttle events Measures the number of write throttle events that happen when adding a new secondary global index to the table. Sum Count
Pending Replication Count Measures the number of pending item updates that are written to one replica table, but are yet to be written in another replica table.SumCount Sample count Count
Replication count latency Measures the elapsed time between an updated item appearing in the DynamoDB stream for one replica table, and that same item appearing in another replica in the global table. Sample count Milliseconds
Returned Bytes Measures the number of bytes returned by the GetRecords operation (DynamoDB streams) Sum Bytes
Time to live deleted item count Measures the number of items deleted by the TTL configured Sum Count
Returned records count Measures the number of records returned by the GetRecords operation (Amazon DynamoDB streams) Sum Count
Add a threshold profile for your monitored DynamoDB table. Learn more.

Configuration Details

Attribute Description
Primary partition key Shows the attribute which is used to retrieve data from the table.
Primary sort key Shows the attribute which is responsible for data sorting.
Table status Displays the state of the table; creating, updating, deleting or active.
Creation date Displays the date when the table was created.
Provisioned read capacity Shows the number of Read capacity units provisioned for the DynamoDB table.
Provisioned write capacity Shows the number of Write capacity units provisioned for the DynamoDB table.
Last decrease time Shows the date and time of the last provisioned throughput decrease for this table.
Last increase time Displays the date and time of the last provisioned throughput increase for this table.
Storage size (in bytes) Shows the allocated storage capacity of the table.
Item count Shows the total number of items in the table.
Region The AWS region the table was provisioned in.
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) Unique Amazon resource name to identify the configured DynamoDB table.

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