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AWS Elastic IP monitoring integration

An AWS Elastic IP address is a region-specific, fixed public IP address tailored for dynamic cloud computing environments. Gain comprehensive visibility and the real-time status of your IP addresses with the Site24x7 - AWS Elastic IP address integration.

Table of contents

Use case

Consider that you have an AWS Elastic IP address monitor integrated with Site24x7, one that has multiple Elastic IP addresses which are either associated or disassociated to a resource. Site24x7 monitors the performance and the number of attached and unattached IP addresses, and helps you manage the charges of unattached IP addresses. In addition, you get alerted of threshold breaches when the attached or unattached IP addresses exceed the configured limit.

Benefits of the integration between Site24x7 and AWS Elastic IP

By integrating Site24x7 with AWS Elastic IP you can:

  • Track Elastic IP addresses and monitor your resources with greater detail and depth.
  • Get a bird's-eye view of your Elastic IP address inventory.
  • Manage your elastic IP addresses either by associating or disassociating them based on their status.
  • Get alerted of threshold breaches when the attached or unattached IP addresses exceed the configured limit.
  • Manage your charges for unattached IP addresses.

Setup and configuration

  • If you have not done so already, enable access to your AWS resources by creating a cross-account IAM role between your AWS account and Site24x7's AWS account.
  • On Site24x7's Integrate AWS Account page, please make sure Elastic IP is selected in the Services to be discovered field.


Ensure that Site24x7 receives the following permissions to monitor AWS Elastic IP:

  • EC2: describeAddresses
  • EC2: DescribeAddressesResult
  • EC2: getAddresses

Polling frequency

Site24x7 queries AWS service-level APIs as per the set polling frequency (one minute to a day) to collect metrics from Elastic IP.

Supported metrics

Metric name Description Statistic Unit
 Total IP(s)  The total number of IP addresses in a region with the same address pool (Amazon- or customer-owned pool).  Sum  Count
 Attached IP(s)  The total number of attached IP addresses in a region with the same address pool (Amazon- or customer-owned pool).  Sum  Count
 Unattached IP(s)  The total number of unattached IP addresses in a region with the same address pool (Amazon- or customer-owned pool).  Sum  Count
 VPC Domain IP(s)  The number of VPC Domain IP addresses in a region with the same address pool (Amazon- or customer-owned pool).  Sum  Count
 Standard Domain IP(s)  The number of Standard Domain IP addresses in a region with the same address pool (Amazon- or customer-owned pool).  Sum  Count

Threshold configuration

To configure thresholds for your integrated monitor:

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 account and navigate to Admin > Configuration Profiles > Threshold and Availability.
  2. Click Add Threshold Profile.
  3. Select Elastic IP from the Monitor Type drop-down menu and provide an appropriate name in the Display Name field.
  4. The supported metrics are displayed in the Threshold Configuration section. You can set threshold values for all the metrics mentioned above.
  5. Click Save.


Every Elastic IP monitor is considered a basic monitor.

Viewing AWS Elastic IP data

To monitor your Elastic IP address, log in to your Site24x7 account and navigate to Cloud > AWS > Elastic IP.

AWS Elastic IP data

You can view your Elastic IP data on the following tabs.


The Summary tab provides an overview of the Elastic IP configuration table and metrics in the form of charts. From here, you can view the total number of elastic IP addresses including attached and unattached IP addresses.

Elastic IP Inventory

The Elastic IP Inventory tab displays the details of the attached and unattached elastic IP addresses.


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