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Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Monitoring Integration

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk lets you provision and scale web applications with ease by removing the administrative overhead involved in capacity provisioning, load balancing and scaling. With Site24x7's AWS integration, you collect data for visibility, configure thresholds and get alerted whenever a problem arises in your beanstalk environment.


By default, Site24x7 collects information from the basic health reporting system to determine the health of your environment. Additionally you can also enable enhanced reporting for your environment or update your health reporting preferences to publish system level and application level metrics to CloudWatch to track them using Site24x7.

Setup and configuration

  • If you haven't done it already, enable access to your AWS resource and services by creating Site24x7 as an IAM user or an IAM role. Learn more.
  • Next, in the Integrate your AWS account section, please make sure the ElasticBeanstalk checkbox is selected in the Services to be discovered field. Learn more.

Policies and permissions

Please make sure the following read level actions are present in the IAM policy assigned to Site24x7 entity. Learn more.

  • "elasticbeanstalk:DescribeEnvironmentResources",
  • "elasticbeanstalk:DescribeAccountAttributes",
  • "elasticbeanstalk:DescribeEnvironments",
  • "elasticbeanstalk:DescribeEvents",
  • "elasticbeanstalk:DescribeInstancesHealth",
  • "elasticbeanstalk:DescribeEnvironmentHealth",
  • "elasticbeanstalk:DescribeConfigurationSettings",
  • "elasticbeanstalk:ListTagsForResource",
  • "cloudformation:ListStackResources",
  • "autoscaling:DescribeAutoScalingGroups",
  • "autoscaling:DescribeAccountLimits",
  • "autoscaling:DescribeLaunchConfigurations",
  • "s3:ListAllMyBuckets",
  • "s3:GetObject",
  • "s3:GetObjectAcl",
  • "s3:GetObjectVersion",
  • "s3:GetObjectVersionAcl",
  • "s3:GetBucketLocation",
  • "s3:GetBucketPolicy",
  • "s3:ListBucket"

Update the health preference for your environment

If you've created an environment with the latest platform versions, then enhanced heath would be enabled by default. However, to record and track environment and system level metrics using Site24x7, you need to publish the data collected by the Elastic Beanstalk service to CloudWatch as custom metrics:

To select which metrics you want to monitor for your environment, follow the below mentioned steps:

  • Sign into the Elastic Beanstalk console and navigate to the Management page for your environment
  • Select Configuration and choose Modify on the Monitoring configuration card
  • Under health reporting, the Enhanced option would already be selected.
  • Use Ctrl/Command key to select multiple metrics
  • Choose Apply.
By default no metrics would be selected, you need to select them to generate preconfigured time series graph in the Site24x7 console. Also CloudWatch charges for custom metrics applies to all the metrics other except Environment Health.

Alerts on Threshold Breach

On the Edit Threshold Profile page, toggle to Yes to receive notifications for the following threshold values when:

  • The monitored resource is Down/Critical/Trouble
  • Environment health failure occurs
  • Environment health status warning occurs
  • The platform branch status is deprecated or retired


Polling interval

Site24x7 collects performance statistics, health status and inventory data as per the poll frequency set (1 minute to a day). Learn more.

IT Automations

You can add automations for the AWS services supported by Site24x7. Log in to Site24x7 and go to Admin > IT Automation Templates (+) > Add Automation Templates. Once automations are added, you can schedule them to be executed one after the other.

You can now restart the web servers running in your Beanstalk environment using Amazon Elastic Beanstalk service automations.

Supported Metrics

Environment level data

Attribute Description Data type Statistics
Environment Health Shows the health status of the environment – 0(OK), 1(Info), 5(Unknown), 10(No data), 15(Warning), 20(Degraded), and 25(Severe) Count Sum
Instances OK Measures the number of instances in OK health status Count Sum
Instances Pending Measures the number of instances with Pending health status Count Sum
Instances Info Measures the number of instances with Info health status Count Sum
Instances Unknown Measures the number of instances with Unknown health status Count Sum
Instances Nodata Measures the number of instances with No data health status data Count Sum
Instances Warning Measures the number of instances with Warning health status Count Sum
Instances degraded Measures the number of instances with Degraded health status Count Sum
Instances Severe Measures the number of instances with Severe health status. Count Sum

Instance level data

Attribute Description Data type Statistic
Load average 1min Measures the average CPU load over the last one minute Count Average
Instance health Measures the health status of the instance Count Maximum
Root file system Util Measures the percentage of disk space in use. Percentage Average
CPU Irq Measures the percentage of time spent by the CPU to service hardware interrupts. Percentage Average
CPU User Measure the percentage of time spent by the CPU while executing at user level. Percentage Average 
CPU Idle Measures the percentage of time the CPU was idle Percentage Average
CPU system Measures the percentage of time spent by the CPU while executing at system (kernel) level. Percentage Average
CPU Soft Irq Measures the percentage of time spent by the CPU to service software interrupts. Percentage Average
CPU IO wait Measures the percentage of time the CPU was idle, when there was an outstanding disk I/O request. Percentage Average
CPU Nice Measures the percentage of time the CPU was running processes with a positive NICE value. percentage Average
Attribute Description Datatype Statistics
Application Requests total Measures the number of requests completed by the instance or environment Count Sum
Application requests 2xx Measures the number of requests completed with a 2xx code Count Sum
Application requests 3xx Measures the number of requests completed with a 3xx code Count Sum
Application requests 4xx Measures the number of requests completed with a 4xx code Count Sum
Application requests 5xx Measures the number of requests completed with a 5xx code Count Sum
Application latency P10 Measures the average time taken to complete the fastest 10% of requests Second Average
Application latency P50 Measures the average time taken to complete the fastest 50% of requests Second Average
Application latency P75 Measures the average time taken to complete the fastest 75% of requests Second Average
Application latency P85 Measures the average time taken to complete the fastest 85% of requests Second Average
Application latency P90 Measures the average time taken to complete the fastest 90% of requests Second Average
Application latency P95 Measures the average time taken to complete the fastest 95% of requests Second Average
Application latency P99 Measures the average time taken to complete the fastest 99% of requests Second Average
Application latency P99.9 Measures the average time taken to complete the fastest X% of requests Second Average

To view data

  • Log in to the Site24x7 console, click on AWS > Monitored AWS account and select Elastic Beanstalk from the drop down.
  • From the list of monitored environments, choose the environment for which you want to access metrics for.
  • The various graphs on application health are displayed in the Summary tab.

Elastic Beanstalk monitoring UI pages


Use Site24x7's Elastic Beanstalk Summary tab to better understand application health. By default, the Environment Health Overview and Instance Health widgets are shown along with the charting for Events Severity count. 



Site24x7's Instance tab, is equipped to provide your near real time visibility into the health of the Amazon EC2 instances powering your web application. By default, no charting is visible. Update you Elastic Beanstalk setting, select the metrics you want to monitor for your instance, to generate metrics in the Site24x7 UI.


Know when you AutoScaling is launching or terminating EC2 instances from your AutoScaling group. View launch configuration details along with scaling events and description, compare environment health with changes to determine root cause.


Monitored Resources

Here you can view a list of monitored EC2 instances, Elastic Load balancing nodes, and SQS queue's associated with your Elastic Beanstalk environment. Click on an individual listing to see performance and resource usage stats associated with that resource. You can also set thresholds and be notified when any of these services fail by clicking the pencil icon under Action.



Our Elastic Beanstalk monitoring Events page, shows a list of all events and notifications generated by the platform or emitted by your application environment. At any point in time you can view the last 100 events generated.


Configuration Details

Get a complete configuration overview of of your Elastic Beanstalk environment. View configuration information for every resource – EC2 instances, AutoScaling group, instance security group, load balancer, load balancer security group and more.


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