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Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Integration

A fully managed service to help you process streaming data in real time using standard SQL. With Site24x7's AWS integration you can collect, visualize and alert on metrics to effectively manage your kinesis data analytics application.

Setup and configuration

  • If you haven't done it already, enable access to your AWS resource by creating Site24x7 as an IAM user or by creating a cross-account IAM role between your account and Site24x7's AWS account. Learn more.
  • Next, In the Integrate AWS Account page, please make sure the Kinesis Analytics checkbox is selected in the Services to be discovered field. Learn more.

Policies and Permissions

Please ensure the following read level actions are present in the policy document assigned to the Site24x7 IAM entity. Learn more.

  • "kinesisanalytics:ListApplications",
  • "kinesisanalytics:ListTagsForResource",
  • "kinesisanalytics:DescribeApplication

Polling frequency

Site24x7 queries the CloudWatch API as per the poll frequency set (1 minute to a day), to collect performance metrics. Learn more.

IT Automations

You can add automations for the AWS services supported by Site24x7. Log in to Site24x7 and go to Admin > IT Automation Templates (+) > Add Automation Templates. Once automations are added, you can schedule them to be executed one after the other.

You can now start or stop data analytics application using Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics automations.

To view data

  • Log in to the Site24x7 console, click on AWS > Monitored AWS account and select Kinesis Analytics from the drop down.
  • From the list of monitored applications, choose the application for which you want to access metrics for.
  • The various graphs applicable for your analytics application are displayed in the Application Details tab.

Supported metrics

The following metrics are collected:

Attribute Description Data type Statistics
Bytes Measures the number of bytes read (per input stream) or written (per output stream). Bytes Sum
Millis behind latest Measures how far behind from the current time an application is reading from the streaming source. Milliseconds Average
Records Measures the number of records read (per input stream) or written (per output stream). Count Sum
Success Gets incremented by 1 for every successfull delivery to the destination, configured for your application. Count Sum
Input processing duration Measures the time taken for each Lambda function invocation performed by Kinesis Data Analytics. Milliseconds Average
Input Processing OkRecords Measures the number of records returned by a Lambda function that were marked with Ok status. Count Sum
Input processing OkBytes Measures the sum of bytes of the records returned by a Lambda function that were marked with Ok status. Bytes Sum
Input processing dropped records Measures the time taken from when the complete fragment data is received and archived. Milliseconds Average
Input processing processing failed records Measures the number of records returned by a Lambda function that were marked with ProcessingFailed status. Count Sum
Input processing success Measures the number of successful Lambda invocations by Kinesis Data Analytics. Count Sum
Lambda delivery OkRecords Measures the number of records returned by a Lambda function that were marked with Ok status. Count Sum
LambdaDelivery. delivery failedRecords Measures the number of records returned by a Lambda function that were marked with DeliveryFailed status. Count Sum
LambdaDelivery.Duration The time taken for each Lambda function invocation performed by Kinesis Data Analytics. Milliseconds  Average 
Attribute Description
Application Name Displays the name for the Kinesis Data Analytics application. 
Application ARN Shows the Amazon Resource Name for the application. 
Application Status Shows the current status for the application. 
Version ID Displays the current application version ID. 
Creation Time Shows the time stamp when the application was created. 
Last Updated Time Shows the time stamp when the application was last updated. 
Application Code Shows the application code that you provided to perform data analysis. 
Application Description Shows the description of the application. 
Logging Option ID Displays the ID of the CloudWatch logging option description. 

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