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Amazon Kinesis Data Stream Integration

A fully managed, distributed data streaming platform to help you collect and store data streams from hundreds of thousands of producers. With Site24x7's integration you can monitor and alert on basic stream level metrics with ease.

Setup and configuration

  • If you haven't done it already, enable access to your AWS resource by creating Site24x7 as an IAM user or by creating a cross-account IAM role between your account and Site24x7's AWS account. Learn more.
  • Next, In the Integrate AWS Account page, please make sure the Kinesis Data Stream checkbox is selected in the Services to be discovered field. Learn more.

Policies and Permissions

Please make sure the following read level permissions are present in the IAM policy assigned to the Site24x7 IAM entity. Learn more.

  • "kinesis:DescribeStreamSummary",
  • "kinesis:ListStreams",
  • "kinesis:ListTagsForStream",
  • "kinesis:DescribeStream"

Polling frequency

Performance metrics are collected as per the poll frequency set (1 minute to a day), by querying the CloudWatch API. Learn more.

IT Automations

You can add automations for the AWS services supported by Site24x7. Log in to Site24x7 and go to Admin > IT Automation Templates (+) > Add Automation Templates. Once automations are added, you can schedule them to be executed one after the other.

You can now push data to kinesis data streams using Amazon Kinesis Data Stream automations.

To view metrics.

  • Log in to the Site24x7 console, click on AWS > Monitored AWS account and select Kinesis Data Stream from the drop down
  • From the list of monitored data streams, choose the stream for which you want to access metrics for.
  • The various graphs applicable for your Amazon Kinesis Data stream are displayed in the Summary tab.

Supported performance metrics

The following basic stream level performance metrics are collected:

Attribute Description Data type Statistics
GetRecords.Bytes Measures the number of bytes retrieved from the Kinesis stream. Bytes  Sum 
GetRecords.IteratorAgeMilliseconds Measures the age of the last record in all GetRecords calls made against an Kinesis stream. Milliseconds  Maximum 
GetRecords.Latency Measures the time taken per GetRecords operation. Milliseconds  Average 
GetRecords.Records Measures the number of records retrieved from the shard Count Sum 
GetRecords.Success Measures the number of successful GetRecords operations per stream. Count Average
IncomingBytes Measures the number of bytes successfully put to the Kinesis stream. Bytes Sum 
IncomingRecords Measures the number of records successfully put to the Kinesis stream. Count Sum 
PutRecord.Bytes Measures the number of bytes put to the Kinesis stream using the PutRecord operation. Bytes  Sum 
PutRecord.Latency  Measures the time taken per PutRecord operation. Milliseconds  Average 
PutRecord.Success Measures the number of successful PutRecord operations per Kinesis stream. Count  Average 
PutRecords.Bytes Measures the number of bytes put to the Kinesis stream using the PutRecords operation  Bytes  Sum 
PutRecords.Latency Measures the time taken per PutRecords operation Milliseconds  Average 
PutRecords.Records Measures the number of successful records in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis stream Count  Sum 
PutRecords.Success Measures the number of PutRecords operations where at least one record succeeded. Count  Average 
ReadProvisionedThroughputExceeded Measures the number of GetRecords calls throttled. Count  Average 
WriteProvisionedThroughputExceeded Measures the number of records rejected due to throttling. Count  Average 
PutRecords.TotalRecords The total number of records sent in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, measured over the specified time period. Count  Sum
PutRecords.SuccessfulRecords The number of successful records in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, measured over the specified time period. Count Sum
PutRecords.FailedRecords The number of records rejected due to internal failures in a PutRecords operation. Count Sum
PutRecords.ThrottledRecords The number of records rejected due to throttling in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, measured over the specified time period. Count Sum
PutRecords Successful The percentage of successful PutRecords Operation Percentage Average
PutRecords Failed The percentage of failed PutRecords Operation Percentage Average
PutRecordsThrottled The percentage of throttled PutRecords Operation Percentage Average

Configuration details

The following config data is collected on a per data stream basis

Attribute Description
Stream name Displays the name of the data stream 
Stream ARN  Displays the Amazon Resource Name of the data stream
Created time Displays the time stamp for data stream creation
Stream status Displays the current status of the data stream
Encrypted Type The type of encryption in user – server side or client side 
Number of Shards Displays the number of shards associated with the stream
Shard Level Metrics Shows whether shard level metrics is enabled or not
Data Retention Period Displays the retention period in hours. 

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