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Azure Spring Apps monitor

Deploying and testing Spring applications in Azure can be made more efficient if the required data is handy. Site24x7's Azure Spring Apps monitor constantly collates critical metrics from your Azure environment, helping you to optimize your resources better.


Setup and Configuration

  • Adding Azure Spring Apps while configuring a new Azure monitor

    If you haven't configured an Azure monitor yet, add one by following the steps below:

    1. Log in to your Site24x7 account.
    2. Go to Cloud > Azure > Add Azure Monitor. You can also follow these steps to add an Azure monitor.
    3. During Azure monitor configuration, on the Edit Azure Monitor page, select Spring Apps from the Service/Resource Types drop-down.
  • Adding Spring Apps to an existing Azure monitor

    If you already have an Azure monitor configured for the tenant, you can add Azure Spring Apps by following the steps below:

    1. Log in to your Site24x7 account.
    2. Go to Cloud > Azure, select your Azure monitor, then go to any of the dashboards on the left pane of your Azure monitor.
    3. Click the hamburger hamburger icon icon and select Edit, which brings you to the Edit Azure Monitor page.
    4. On the Edit Azure Monitor page, select the corresponding Subscriptions and Resource Groups from the drop-down, select Azure Spring Apps from the Service/Resource Types drop-down, and click Save.
    5. After successful configuration, go to Cloud > Azure > Azure Monitor > Azure Spring Apps. Now you can view the discovered Azure Spring Apps.
It will take 15-30 minutes to discover new Azure resources. For immediate discovery of the selected configuration, go to the Infrastructure Dashboard of the Azure monitor, hover over the hamburger icon, and select Discover Now.

Polling frequency

Site24x7's Azure Spring Apps service monitor collects metric data every five minutes and displays the minute-by-minute status.

Supported metrics

Metric name Description Statistic Unit
System CPU Usage CPU utilization Average Percent
 Process CPU Usage Recent CPU usage for a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) process Average Percent/td>
JVM Memory Committed Memory allocated for a JVM process Average Bytes
JVM Memory Used Memory used by a JVM process Average Bytes
Maximum JVM Memory The maximum amount of memory that can be used for memory management Maximum Bytes
Maximum JVM GC Size The maximum size for the Garbage Collection (GC) process of the old generation memory pool Maximum Bytes
Live JVM GC Size The size of the old generation memory pool after the GC process Average Bytes
Old GC New GC Size Increase The positive difference between the size of the old and new generation memory pools before the GC process Maximum Bytes
JVM GC Memory Allocated The increase in the size of two successive new generation memory pools Maximum Bytes
GC Pause Count The total number of times the GC process paused Total Count
GC Pause Total Time The time period for which the GC process was paused Total Milliseconds
Tomcat Config Max Thread Count The maximum number of Tomcat threads Maximum Count
Tomcat Current Thread Count The current number of Tomcat threads Total Count
Tomcat Total Sent Bytes Data sent out by Tomcat Total Bytes
Tomcat Total Received Bytes Data received by Tomcat Total Bytes
Tomcat Request Total Time The time taken by Tomcat to process requests Total Milliseconds
Tomcat Request Total Count The total number of requests processed by Tomcat Total Count
Tomcat Request Average Time The average time taken to process requests by Tomcat Average Milliseconds
Tomcat Request Max Time The maximum time taken by Tomcat to process a request Maximum Milliseconds
Tomcat Global Error The total global outages for the Tomcat service Total Count
Tomcat Session Max Active Count The total number of active maximum Tomcat sessions Total Count
Tomcat Session Max Alive Time The duration of maximum active Tomcat sessions Maximum Milliseconds
Tomcat Session Active Count The total number of active Tomcat sessions Total Count
Tomcat Session Created The total number of Tomcat sessions created Total Count
Tomcat Session Expired The total number of expired Tomcat sessions Total Count
Tomcat Session Rejected The total number of rejected Tomcat sessions Total Count
CPU Usage CPU processing power utilized by the process Average Percent
Working Set Working sets utilized by the process Average Count
GC Heap Size Average heap size reported in GC Average Bytes
Gen 0 GC Count The number of zeroth generation GCs Average Count
Gen 1 GC Count The number of first generation GCs Average Count
Gen 2 GC Count The number of second generation GCs Average Count
Time in GC The time in GC since the last GC Average Percent
Gen 0 Heap Size The average heap size from zeroth generation GC Average Bytes
Gen 1 Heap Size The average heap size from first generation GC Average Bytes
Gen 2 Heap Size The average heap size from second generation GC Average Bytes
LOH Size The average Large Object Heap (LOH) size Average Bytes
Allocation Rate Data allocated in the managed heap Average Bytes
Assembly Count The average number of assemblies loaded Average Count
Exception Count The total number of exceptions Total Count
ThreadPool Thread Count The average number of ThreadPool threads Average Count
Monitor Lock Contention Count The number of contentions when monitor lock was performed Average Count
ThreadPool Queue Length The length of the ThreadPool Work Items Queue Average Count
ThreadPool Completed Items Count The average count of completed ThreadPool work items Average Count
Active Timer Count The average number of timers that are active Average Count
Request Rate The average request rate Average Count
Total Requests The average number of requests in the lifetime of the process Average Count
Current Requests The average number of requests in process during the lifetime of the process Average Count
Failed Requests The average number of failed requests during the lifetime of the process Average Count
App CPU Usage Recent CPU utilization by the application Average Percent
App Memory Usage Recent memory space utilization by the application Average Percent
App Network In Data received in the application Average Bytes
App Network In Data received in the application Average Bytes
App Network Out Data sent from the application Average Bytes
Bytes Received Data received by Azure Spring Apps from clients Average Bytes
Bytes Sent Data sent by Azure Spring Apps to clients Average Bytes
Requests The count of requests made by Azure Spring Apps to the clients Average Count
Ingress Failed Requests The average count of failed requests by Azure Spring Apps to the clients Average Count
Response Status The HTTP response status returned by Azure Spring Apps Average Count
Response Time The average HTTP response time taken for return by Azure Spring Apps Average Seconds
Throughput In The data received per second by Azure Spring Apps from the clients Average Bytes/Sec
Throughput Out The data sent per second by Azure Spring Apps from the clients Average Bytes/Sec
Request Count The total number of requests Total Count
Max Time of Requests The maximum time taken by a request Maximum Milliseconds
Throttled Requests Count The total number of throttled requests Total Count
Process CPU Usage Recent CPU utilization by the JVM Average Percent
System CPU Usage Recent CPU utilization by the whole computer Average Percent
GC Pause Count The total number of pauses to the GC process Total Count
GC Pause Total Time The total time the GC process has been paused Total Seconds
GC Pause Max Time The maximum time the GC process has been paused Maximum Seconds
JVM GC Memory Allocated The increase in the size of the young generation memory pool between two GC processes Maximum Bytes
JVM GC Memory Promoted The increase in the size of the old generation memory pool after GC Maximum Bytes
JVM GC Live Data Size The average size of the old generation memory pool after a full GC process Average Bytes
JVM GC Max Data Size The maximum size of the old generation memory pool Maximum Bytes
JVM Memory Used The average memory space used by the JVM Average Bytes
JVM Memory Committed The average memory space assigned to the JVM Average Bytes



Azure Spring Apps consumes one basic monitor.

Threshold configuration

  • Global configuration
    1. In the Site24x7 web client, go to the Admin section on the left navigation pane.
    2. Select Configuration Profiles from the left pane and select Threshold and Availability (+) from the drop-down.
    3. Click Add Threshold Profile on the top-right corner of the page.
    4. In the Monitor Type drop-down select Azure Spring Apps.
    5. Now you can set the threshold values for all the metrics mentioned above.
  • Monitor-level configuration
    1. In the Site24x7 web client, go to Cloud > Azure > Azure Monitor > Azure Spring Apps.
    2. Select the resource you would like to set a threshold for, then click the hamburger hamburger icon icon.
    3. Select Edit, which directs you to the Edit Azure Spring Apps page.
    4. You can set the threshold values for the metrics by selecting Threshold and Availability.
    5. You can also configure IT Automation at the attribute level.

IT Automation

Site24x7's IT Automation tools help automatically resolve performance degradation issues. The alarm engine continually evaluates system events for which thresholds are set and executes the mapped automation when there is a breach.

How to configure IT Automation for a monitor

Configuration Rules

Configuration Rules can be applied to all monitor types in Site24x7. Rules can be configured and associated with existing monitors. Additionally, when a new monitor is being added, you can run a check, and associate any of the previously created rules that match the monitor configurations.

How to add a Configuration Rule


The Summary tab will give you the performance data organized by time for the metrics listed above.

  1. To view the summary, go to Cloud > Azure > Azure Monitor > Azure Spring Apps.
  2. Select a resource and click the Summary tab.
  3. By doing so, you can view the above metrics.

Configuration Details

The configuration details of an Azure Spring Apps resource are provided under the Configuration Detailstab.

  1. To get the configuration details, go to Cloud > Azure > Azure Monitor > Azure Spring Apps.
  2. Click a resource and select the Configuration Details tab.


Gain in-depth data about the various parameters of your monitored resources and highlight your service performance using our insightful reports.

To view reports for Azure Spring Apps:

  1. Go to the Reports section on the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Azure Spring Apps from the menu on the left.
  3. You can find the Availability Summary Report, Performance Report, and Inventory Report for one selected monitor, or you can get the Summary Report, Availability Summary Report, Health Trend Report, and Performance Report for all the Azure Spring Apps.

You can also get reports from the Summary tab of the Azure Spring Apps monitor.

Click the Summary tab of the Azure Spring Apps monitor and get the Availability Summary Report of the monitor by clicking Availability or Downtime. You can also find the Performance Report of the monitor by clicking any chart title.

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