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MySQL database monitoring

Site24x7 provides full-fledged database monitoring to optimize and improve the performance of your databases. You can track the health and status of your MySQL database attributes by inspecting key performance metrics, including time-consuming queries, throughput, average latency, error-producing statements, etc.

Get instant alerts about critical performance spikes and avoid database issues beforehand.

Supported MySQL flavors

  • MySQL version 5.6 and above

Supported database metrics

Metrics Description Unit
Queries Executed The total number of query executions in the current database between the poll interval period Count
Throughput Total disk input and output (IO) read and write operations happening per second in the poll interval Bytes per sec
Sequential Scan The total number of full table scans done for the current database during the poll interval period Count
Fetch Latency The total wait time of the timed read IO events for the current database during the poll interval period Seconds, minutes, hours, days
Insert Latency The total wait time of the timed insert IO events for the current database during the poll interval period Seconds, minutes, hours, days
Delete Latency The total wait time of the timed delete IO events for the current database during the poll interval period Seconds, minutes, hours, days
Total Latency The total wait time of the timed IO events for the current database during the poll interval period Seconds, minutes, hours, days
Total Errors The total number of errors that happened during the query executions during the poll interval period Count
Total Warnings The total number of warnings that occurred during the query executions during the poll interval period Count
Errors The average number of errors that occurred during query executions during the poll interval period Count
Index Scan The total number of index scans done for the current database during the poll interval period Count
Top tables by sequential scan
Latency The total wait time of the full scans done in the current database Seconds, minutes, hours, days
Rows Scan The total number of rows scanned by full scans in the current database Count
Table Name The name of the table in the current database Text
IO Read Requests The total number of read requests for the current database during the poll interval period Count
IO Write Requests The total number of write requests for the database during the poll interval period Count
IO Read The total number of bytes read from the database during the poll interval period Bytes per KB, MB, GB, or TB
IO Write The total number of bytes written to the database during the poll interval period Bytes per KB, MB, GB, or TB
Temporary Disk Tables Created The average number of temporary disk tables created for the total queries executed in the current database during the poll interval period Count
Temporary Tables Created The average number of temporary tables created for the total queries executed in the current database during the poll interval period Count
Rows Fetched The total number of rows read from the database during the poll interval period Count
Rows Inserted The total number of rows inserted into the database during the poll interval period Count
Rows Updated The total number of rows updated in the database during the poll interval period Count
Rows Deleted The total number of rows deleted in the database during the poll interval period Count
Most Time Consuming Queries
Total Latency The total wait time of the timed occurrences of the statement in the current database Seconds, minutes, hours, or days
Execution Count The total number of times the statement has been executed in the current database Count
Query Statement The statement that has been executed Text
Top Queries by Wait Time
Average Timer Wait The average wait time of the summarized timed events in the current database during the poll interval period Seconds, minutes, hours, or days
Rows Examined The total number of errors produced by the statement Count
Rows Affected The total number of rows affected by the statement Count
Execution Count The total number of executions of the statement Count
Digest Text The unique representation of normalized statements having the same structure Text
Top Statements by Errors
Errors The total number of errors produced by the occurrences of the statement Count
Warnings The total number of warnings produced by the occurrences of the statement Count
Query The normalized statement string Text


Each MySQL instance consumes one advanced monitor. Each MySQL instance includes monitoring for twenty-five databases. For each additional database, one basic license will be consumed.

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