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Google Compute Engine monitoring integration

Track your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Compute Engines, assign thresholds, and identify issues before they occur—all with the help of Site24x7's monitoring integration.

Table of contents

Setup and configuration

  • Adding Google Compute Engine while configuring a new Google Cloud monitor

    If you have not configured a Google Cloud monitor yet, add one by following the steps below:

    1. Log in to your Site24x7 account.
    2. Go to Cloud > GCP > Add GCP Monitor or Admin > Cloud Monitoring > Google Cloud Platform(GCP).
    3. Provide a unique display name for identification purposes.
    4. Upload a service account JSON file to authenticate Site24x7 for performing resource discovery.
    5. Select Compute Engine from the Select the Resources for Monitoring list.
    6. Select existing Notification Profiles, User Alerts Groups, Tags, and IT Automation Templates or add new ones. You can also integrate Site24x7's alarms with your preferred third-party service.
    7. Click Start GCP Monitoring.
  • Adding Google Compute Engine to an existing Google Cloud monitor

    If you already have a Google Cloud monitor configured for the service account, you can add Compute Engine by following the steps below:

    1. Log in to your Site24x7 account.
    2. Go to Cloud > GCP and select your GCP monitor.
    3. Click the hamburger Hamburger icon icon next to Service View and select Edit, which brings you to the Edit GCP Monitor page.
    4. On the Edit GCP Monitor page, select Compute Engine from the Select the Resources for Monitoring list and click Save.
    5. After successful configuration, go to Cloud > GCP > Compute Engine. Now you can view the discovered Compute Engine resources.
It will take approximately five minutes to discover new GCP resources.

Polling frequency

Site24x7's Compute Engine monitor collects the metrics data every five minutes and the statuses of your Compute Engine resources every minute.

Supported metrics

Metric name Description Statistic Unit
CPU Usage The average delta vCPU usage for all vCPUs Average Seconds
CPU Utilization The average fractional utilization of allocated CPU on this instance Average Percentage
Disk Read Bytes The total amount of bytes read from the disk Total Bytes
Disk Read Operations The total number of disk read IO operations Total Count
Disk Write Bytes The total amount of bytes written to the disk Total Bytes
Disk Write Operations The total egress (directed to peer VPN) packets for the tunnel Total Count
Dropped Bytes The total amount of incoming bytes dropped by the firewall Total Bytes
Dropped Packets The total amount of incoming bytes dropped by the firewall Total Bytes
Early Boot Validation The validation status of early boot integrity policy Average Count
Late Boot Validation The validation status of late boot integrity policy Average Count
Received Bytes The total amount of bytes received from the network Total Bytes
Received Packets The total amount of packets received from the network. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 240 seconds. Total Count
Reserved vCPUs The average number of vCPUs reserved on the host of the instance Average Count
Sent Bytes The total amount of bytes sent over the network Total Bytes
Sent Packets The total amount of packets sent over the network Total Count
Throttled Read Bytes The total amount of bytes in throttled read operations Total Bytes
Throttled Read Operations The total number of throttled read operations Total Count
Throttled Write Bytes The total amount of bytes in throttled write operations Total Bytes
Throttled Write Operations The total number of throttled write operations Total Count
Uptime The delta of how long the VM has been running Total Seconds
Guest Visible vCPUs The average number of Virtual CPUs (vCPUs) visible inside the guest Average Count
Scheduler Wait Time The total wait time incurred by the scheduler across all Virtual CPUs. The cumulative time spent by the scheduler in waiting to run after getting ready to run Total Seconds
Disk Average Latency The average disk latency in the last 60 second time period Average Microseconds
Disk Average IO Queue Depth The average IO queue depth of the disk in the last 60 second time period Average Count
Peak Disk Read Bytes The maximum per-second read throughput of the disk achieved within the specified time period Maximum Bytes
Peak Disk Read Ops The maximum per-second read requests of the disk achieved within the specified time period Maximum Count
Peak Disk Write Bytes The maximum per-second write throughput of the disk achieved within the specified time period Maximum Bytes
Peak Disk Write Ops The maximum per-second write requests of the disk achieved within the specified time period Maximum Count
Provisioned Disk IOPS The disk's provisioned IOPS set by the user Total Count
Provisioned Disk Size The disk's provisioned size set by the user Total Bytes
Provisioned Disk Throughput The disk's provisioned throughput set by the user Total Bytes/Sec
GCE VM Global DNS Request Count The total number of global internal DNS requests in Google Compute Engine Total Count
VM Memory Total The total amount of memory in the Virtual Machine (VM). Available only to the VMs in the e2 family Total Bytes
VM Swap In The total mount of memory read into the guest from its own swap memory. Available only to the VMs in the e2 family. Total Bytes
VM Swap Out The total mount of memory written from the guest to its own swap memory. Available only to the VMs in the e2 family. Total Bytes
Uptime Total The total time elapsed since the VM was started Total Seconds
Connection Count The total number of connections between the local Virtual Machine (VM) and its remote peers. Total Count
Egress Bytes The total number of bytes sent from the local Virtual Machine (VM) to its remote peers Total Bytes
Egress Packets per VM The total number of data packets sent from the local Virtual Machine (VM) to its remote peers. Total Count
External RTT Latencies The average RTT latency between the local Virtual Machine (VM) and internet destinations, measured over TCP connections Average Milliseconds
Ingress Bytes The total number of bytes received by the local Virtual Machine (VM) to its remote peers Total Bytes
Ingress Packets per VM The total number of data packets received by the local Virtual Machine (VM) to its remote peers. Total Count
RTT Latencies The average RTT recorded over TCP connections by the local Virtual Machine (VM) for intra-cloud traffic Average Milliseconds

Threshold configuration

  • Global configuration
    1. In the Site24x7 web client, go to the Admin section on the left navigation pane.
    2. Select Configuration Profiles from the left pane and select Threshold and Availability from the drop-down menu.
    3. Click Add Threshold Profile in the top-right corner.
    4. For Monitor Type, select Compute Engine.
    5. Now you can set the threshold values for the metrics listed above.
  • Monitor-level configuration
    1. In the Site24x7 web client, go to Cloud > GCP > Compute Engine.
    2. Select a resource you would like to set a threshold for, then click the hamburger Hamburger icon icon.
    3. Select Edit, which directs you to the Edit Compute Engine Monitor page.
    4. You can set the threshold values for the metrics with the Threshold and Availability option.
    5. You can also configure IT Automation at the attribute level.

IT Automation

By leveraging Site24x7's IT Automation tools, you can automate repetitive tasks, respond quickly to performance issues, and minimize downtime or disruptions. The alarm engine in Site24x7 continually evaluates system events based on the thresholds you have set. When a breach occurs, the mapped automation associated with that event will be triggered, ensuring prompt remediation and minimizing the impact on your IT infrastructure.

How to configure IT Automation for a monitor

Configuration Rules

Site24x7's Configuration Rules feature lets you edit multiple monitors and streamline the configuration process for your monitoring resources. With Configuration Rules, you can easily associate different monitor groups or add specific tags to multiple monitors simultaneously. This eliminates the need to manually edit each monitor individually, saving you valuable time and effort.

How to add Configuration Rules


The Summary tab will give you the performance data organized by time for the metrics listed above. To view the summary:

  1. Go to Cloud > GCP > Compute Engine.
  2. Select a resource.
  3. Click the Summary tab.

Configuration Details

The Configuration Details tab provides details on the configurations of application instances. To get the configuration details:

  1. Go to Cloud > GCP > Compute Engine.
  2. Select a resource.
  3. Click the Configuration Details tab.


Gain in-depth data about the various parameters of your monitored resources and accentuate your service performance using our insightful reports.

To view reports for a Compute Engine resource:

  1. Go to the Reports section on the left navigation pane.
  2. Select Compute Engine from the menu on the left.
  3. You can find the Availability Summary Report, Performance Report, and Inventory Report for one selected monitor. Or you can get the Summary Report, Availability Summary Report, Health Trend Report, and Performance Report for all the Compute Engine monitors. Compute Engine monitoring also has a Server Integration Report that lets you know if your VM Instance also has an integrated server monitor with it.

You can also get reports from the Summary tab of the Compute Engine monitor:

  1. Click the Summary tab.
  2. Get the Availability Summary Report of the monitor by clicking Availability.
  3. You can also find the Performance Report of the monitor by clicking any chart title.

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