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Configuring Flow Exports on Cisco 4000 Series Devices

The 4000 and 4500 series devices require a Supervisor IV or a Supervisor Engine V with a NetFlow Services daughter card(WS-F4531) and IOS version 12.1(19)EW or above to support NetFlow data exports (NDE). Or, you must have the Supervisor Engine V-10GE (the functionality is embedded in the supervisor engine).

Configure this device as for an IOS device, but skip the ip route-cache flow command on each interface. Later, issue the following command:

ip route-cache flow infer-fields

This command ensures routing information is included in the flows. You need not enter the ip route-cache flow command on each interface.

Sample device configuration

For NetFlow analysis, you need to configure your devices to export flows to Site24x7 On-Premise Poller, which is the NetFlow collector. The On-Premise Poller will be listening to the particular port to receive flows. Learn how to find the port number of your On-Premise Poller.

The following is a set of commands issued on a Cisco 4000 series switch to enable NetFlow v7 and export to the machine on port 9996 using FastEthernet 0/1 as the source interface.

switch>(enable)ip flow-export destination 9996
switch>(enable)ip flow-export version 7
switch>(enable)ip flow-export source FastEthernet 0/1
switch>(enable)ip flow-cache timeout active 1
switch>(enable)ip route-cache flow infer-fields

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