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Configuring Flow Exports on MikroTik Devices

For NetFlow analysis, you need to configure your devices to export flows to Site24x7 On-Premise Poller, which is the NetFlow collector. The On-Premise Poller will be listening to the particular port to receive flows. Learn how to find the port number of your On-Premise Poller.

Configure Internet Protocol Flow Information Export (IPFIX) on MicroTik switches and wireless devices using the following commands:

set enabled=yes;
set interfaces all;
set cache-entries 32M;
set active-flow-timeout 1m;
set inactive-flow-timeout 15s;

add dst-address={NETFLOW_SERVER_IP} port={NETFLOW_SERVER_LISTENER_PORT} version=9;
set v9-template-refresh 5m;
set v9-template-timeout 20;

Follow the steps below to configure flow exports on Mikrotik devices using the graphical user interface (GUI):

  1. Log in to your MikroTik device to access the GUI.
  2. Click + and add Target.
  3. Enter the following details in the Traffic Flow Targetpop-up:
    • Address: Enter the IP address of the machine on which Site24x7 On-Premise Poller is installed.
    • Port: Enter the listener port of Site24x7 On-Premise Poller.
    • Version: Select 9.
    • v9 Template Refresh: Enter 5.
    • v9 Tamplate Timeout: Enter 20.
  4. Click OK.

After adding the target, click Settings to configure the traffic flow settings.

  1. Go to the General tab.
  2. Check the box next to Enabled for sending the flows.
  3. Select all for Interfaces.
  4. Select 32k for Cache Entries.
  5. Enter 00:01:00 in Active Flow Timeout.
  6. Enter 00:00:15 in Inactive Flow Timeout.
  7. Click OK.

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