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Incident Templates

Templates can make your incident or maintenance creation process easy. By creating a template beforehand, you can save yourself from having to provide a name for the incident, add a message, or other tedious processes. Incident templates can come in handy when you create templates for common incidents; all you have to do is choose which template to apply.

You can apply templates while:

  • Creating real-time incidents.
  • Creating historic incidents.
  • Posting updates for ongoing or active incidents.
  • Scheduling maintenance.

We've curated a list of incident templates for some common incidents, which you can use as a boilerplate to create your own templates and acknowledge your end users quickly.

Templates are available only for Green plan users.

Table of Contents

Adding a new Template

  1. Log in to your StatusIQ account.
  2. Click on Incidents, and in the page that opens, click on the View Templates button on the top-right side of the page.
  3. Click on Add Template on the top-right side of the page.

    Learn how to add an incident template
  4. Provide the following details in the Add Template form:
  • Template Name: Provide a name for the template.
  • Template Group: Template groups will help in logically grouping templates. You can also add a template group by clicking on the + icon in this field.
  • Incident Severity: Specify the severity of the incident.
  • Incident Status: Choose the status of the incident from the options provided.
  • Incident Title: Specify the title of the incident.
  • Status Update: Provide an update of the status using this field.
  • Affected Components: Choose the affected components from options provided.
  • Notify Subscribers: Choose whether to notify your subscribers.

       5. Click Save to add the template.

You can also add templates by navigating to Maintenance > View Templates > Add Templates.

Edit or delete a template

You can edit or delete a template by navigating to Incidents/Maintenance > View Templates. In the new page that opens, click on the hamburger icon. Choose Edit if you wish to edit the template or Delete to delete the template. 

Incident Template library

Acknowledging an issue and keeping your customers updated can help with building trust with your customers and managing unexpected incidents. Here is a sample incident template library with some of the common, often repeated incidents that you can use while communicating to your customers.

  • Service outage
  • Title: $[COMPANY_NAME]$ service outage
  • Content: We are currently experiencing a service outage. This outage has affected our $[IMPACT_DETAILS]$. The $[TEAM_NAME]$ team is working to identify the root cause and fix the issue. We'll keep you updated on the status.
  • High response time
  • Title: High response time for APIs
  • Content: We have been facing a high response time for our $[API_NAME_OR_METHOD]$ for the last $[DURATION]$, and our team is analyzing the anomaly. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. We will post an update shortly.
  • Increased error rates
  • Title: Increased error rate
  • Content: Our monitoring system shows an increased error rate between $[START_TIME]$ and $[END_TIME]$. We are investigating the issue to find the root cause and will soon roll out a fix.
  • DDoS attack
  • Title: The platform is experiencing a DDoS attack
  • Content: $[COMPANY_NAME]$'s website and the app faced a DDoS attack. This is hindering our customers from accessing $[SERVICE_NAME]$. Be assured that our app and customer data is safe and secure. Our technical team is working on mitigating this attack and restoring services by enabling a stricter protection protocol.
  • Issue with third-party integrations
  • Title: Issue with our $[THIRD_PARTY_SERVICE]$ integration
  • Content: $[THIRD_PARTY_SERVICE_NAME]$ is currently experiencing an issue that is also affecting our integration and relevant functions. Kindly check the $[THIRD_PARTY_SERVICE_STATUS_PAGE]$ for more recent updates on this issue.
  • Network and infrastructure maintenance
  • Title: Data center network maintenance
  • Content: Our $[TEAM_NAME]$ team will be upgrading the network equipment and cloud infrastructure in our $[DATA_CENTER_REGION]$.We don't expect any service disruption during this maintenance. If you face any issues while accessing our services, email us at $[SUPPORT_EMAIL]$, and we'll gladly help you out!
You should replace $[PLACEHOLDERS]$ with relevant values before saving the template.



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