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Performance Metrics of a WAN Monitor

Once a WAN monitor is added, Site24x7 starts to collect performance metrics to assess the quality of the WAN links. You can also set thresholds for all these metrics to receive alerts when there is a breach. 

Performance summary

Metric Description
Minimum RTT The minimum time taken for packet transfer from source to destination in milliseconds (ms).
Average RTT The average time taken for packet transfer from source to destination in milliseconds (ms).
Maximum RTT The maximum time taken for packet transfer from source to destination in milliseconds (ms).
RTT Threshold Violation (%) The percentage of RTT violations in the WAN link from the source to the destination.
Errors (%) The percentage of errors that resulted in packet transfer failure (e.g., connection error, timeout, etc.)

RTT Threshold Violation History

The RTT Threshold Violation History provides information about SLA violations over a selected period. 

Metric Description
Success (%) The percentage of time the WAN link was up, running, and available over the selected time frame and the packets were transferred between the source and destination within SLA limits.
SLA Violation (%) The percentage of number of polls, with respect to the total polls, where the SLA threshold was breached.
Failed (%) The percentage of time packet transfer failed due to issues like connection error or timeout between the source and the destination devices.

Round Trip Time History

The Round Trip Time History provides details about the time taken for packet transfer between two devices. The metrics shown in this section are Maximum RTT (ms), Average RTT (ms), and Minimum RTT (ms). These details are also displayed in the performance summary section.

Availability History

This section displays the WAN link availability history in easily identifiable colors to identify issues (if any) at a single glance. 

Status Icon Color Description
Available Fountain blue The device is available and RTT operations have been completed without an error and without timeout.
Data Corrupted Emerald green Corrupted packets were received during the round trip.
Timeout Dark blue An RTT operation has not been completed before a timeout occurred. Depends on the configured Timeout value. 
Pack Drop Lavender An RTT operation could not be completed because some packets were dropped.
Sequence Error

Violet An RTT operation could not be completed because the packets were not received in the correct sequence. 
System Busy Fuchsia rose An RTT operation could not be completed because the device was busy and may not have responded. 
Connection Error  Titanium yellow  An RTT operation could not be initiated as the connection to the target failed. 

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