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Python Release Notes

Version 1.3.3

29 January 2024


  • Support for PyMssql, PyODBC, OracleDB, and cx_Oracle modules.
  • Support for Docker environment check and ID fetch from the mountinfo file.

Issue fix:

  • The issue with the distributed tracing exception has been fixed.

Version 1.3.2

03 January 2024


  • Support for FastAPI and Starlette frameworks.

Version 1.3.1

22 December 2023


  • Support for Psycopg2 parameterized query object extraction.

Version 1.3.0 (Asynchronous calls tracking)

11 December 2023


  • Support for asynchronous call capture in Django ASGI applications.
  • Support for async component modules: AIOREDIS, AREDIS, AIOMYSQL, ASYNCPG, Redis async client.
  • Support for PyMongo module.

Issue fix:

  • The issue with the query stack trace has been resolved.

Version 1.2.2

25 October 2023


  • Distributed tracing is supported for HTTP calls made through the requests module V2.30.0 and above.

Version 1.2.1

14 September 2023

New features/Enhancements:

  • Support for distributed tracing.
  • Support for stack trace queries.
  • Support for capturing IPv4 addresses.

Version 1.1.0

28 June 2023


  • Support for a new Data Collector, S247DataExporter (Linux and Windows)
  • Supported frameworks: CherryPy, Pyramid, and Bottle.
  • Supported template engines: Mako and Genshi.
  • You now have various options to start the agent without modifying the user code.
  • Support for custom parameters.
  • You no longer need to provide the App port during agent configuration; it will be detected automatically.
  • Support for Docker Environment as a Cloud-Instance.
  • Support for capturing CPU time.

Issue Fixes:

  • Errors in the Django framework when using the psycopg2 module have been fixed.
  • An issue with the Flask framework during multiple URLs having the same view function has been resolved.

Version 1.0.3

31 May 2022


  • Cloud instance check for AWS and AZURE is supported.
  • Proxy support has been introduced.
  • You can now configure agent using the apminsight_info.json file
  • MYSQL calls are now available in the Service Map tab.
  • Support for Cassandra.
  • Support for custom log directory has been added.

Issue Fixes:

  • The issue with fetching status codes in the Flask framework has been resolved.
  • The issue with multiple initialization calls for the agent has been resolved.

Version 1.0.0

09 April 2020


  • Support for Django and Flask frameworks.
  • Support for MySQL, SQLite, Redis, and Pymemcache components.
  • Instrumented Django middleware.
  • Support for dbapi2 and postgres.

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